I just want him to go to jail. If he’s so into transparency why is he making such an effort to hide from the Swedish authorities?
I just want him to go to jail. If he’s so into transparency why is he making such an effort to hide from the Swedish authorities?
It was Cold War II...we got the first one when the Wall fell
This is my surprised face:
Dear CIA,
He just hopes that we can all be as free as Russians are today.
So can we all just admit at this point that Assange is just Putin’s tool to wreck democracy?
If my children were being held hostage, and a ransom note were delivered to me, and the kidnappers’ only demand was for me to watch a Trump rally right now, we’d have a heckuva memorial service for those little buggers.
I know how she feels. I’ve taken a leave of absence from cable news, and I’ve had actual, measurable and manifest health benefits (mental and physical) from it. It’s a beautiful thing. Sorry, Chris, Rachel and the rest, but you weren’t good for me.
OMG - it’s almost worse than his standard stump speech. I have never witnessed a more grossly overt act of seeking attention than this.
Nope. I don’t want to ruin my night.
Love you Selena, but is anyone watching this fucking trump rally?
as long as he doesnt say the secret word, we’ll all be just fine.
I can tell you that “Inbred People Playing with Knives, Ends Poorly For the Ginger One” is something that happens around my white family quite often.
The whitest headline ever.
There was the time the CIA tried to poison his milkshake. There was the ploy to discredit him by spraying him down with LSD and watching him go insane during a live radio broadcast. There was, I shit you not, an idea to pack his omnipresent cigar with explosives.
You and me both. I skipped her book originally on my book tour of Scientology until someone here recommended it, and I’m hooked. She has zero fucks to give and I love it.
They were granted religion status by the IRS.
“... seeking to make a buck off of her former religion”
I’m also wondering how many hours a day she must do Pilates to squat down in heels like those, holding a toddler, and still be able to get up unassisted! That is MOM STRENGTH right there! I’d just be stuck down there until someone took the child and someone else hoisted me back up to standing position.
Short pants with knee socks is a fucking adorable outfit for a little boy, and I will fight anyone who disagrees.