The Chinese word for cats is also pronouned māo in Mandarin.
The Chinese word for cats is also pronouned māo in Mandarin.
The Egyptian word for 'cat' is 'mau.' How awesome is that? They missed a real opportunity by not naming cows "moo," but still, solid effort.
Longtime Jez fan, first time poster. I created this account just now because Jackie was a casual friend of mine and I’m the one who sent the story into Jezebel. Just wanted to say thank you so much for using my tip and posting her story. Jackie was a funny, charming, kind young woman and we are trying to get her story…
You’re sure 99% of men would text a 15 year old if they could?
i would not could not with a smock, i dare not share not that might shock!
I never watched CB show, but I was a huge fan of Mama’s Family the show. The first season was a tad darker than the rest. I totally get the despair in Peanuts, too. Charlie Brown needs help.
Heh, I’m so old, I watched all-new episodes of “The Carol Burnett Show” every Saturday night at 9:00 Central. CBS Saturday night in the 70s was one of the best lineups ever, and she was the jewel in the crown.
The thing with that is, doctor don’t actually screen for those conditions before prescribing pills unless they already think you have it. For example, has anyone ever gotten a Factor V genetic test before being given pills if there was no history of blot clot issues in their family?
I would wear, like, pretty much all of this. Love!
Buy a whole block, connect all the houses with giant hamster tunnels.
Maybe, and let me just throw this CRAZY idea out there, he wanted to date someone he liked.
Adjuncts and tenured are not comparable.
I read that in Bette Davis’ most wilting of tones. Shivers.
I think of NPR people as I do academics. I was shocked to learn that many professors are filthy hippies despite making bank (or what I consider “bank”). They drive beaters and their offices are stupid cluttered and anything could be living under all those journals they hoard. Some of them even SMELL *nods at the…
ooooh this is weird. You always think the people on npr totally have their shit together. This makes me feel much better about my life. I may not have the career/home/education I dreamed about but I don’t have bed bugs so I suppose I can chalk that up as a win.
People who live in Glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
Oh, that’s the well known “I’m almost done, babe” affirmative defense to rape that exists in... zero jurisdictions.
Because I just watch the Movementarians episode of The Simpsons and it’s California, I wonder if this was some sort of cult - wives and children living in squalor, waiting for their messiah? Probably not, but still could be wives and children of one man.
There is a federal prison in Victorville. Wonder if these women are girlfriends/wives of inmates. There are very few motels there for people to stay in. And, it’s a shithole, as noted by another poster.
Yay, drugs.