
If anyone ever invents a Kanye sex-robot, Kanye will leave Kim. Just remember, I called it.

I’ll go up to $1,000 for entire Kardashian clan, including Kanye.

So Kanye showing all of his sex dolls

Cue all of the Hoteps coming out of the woodwork to tell her to “Sit Down, and Shut Up, Again!”, and “Why are you trying to bring down a Black Man”, and That’s Why Don’t Nobody Want Y’all Ass, Anyway!”, and, and, and...

Dear people on my Facebook feed: If you are boycotting Walmart because of how it treated one police officer and not how it treats millions of employees; if you are boycotting the NFL because it tacitly supports not standing for the anthem and not because it tacitly supports rape, domestic violence and traumatic brain

Total agreement but don’t you find the same awkward corniness is present in Blackish as well?

Kylie’s face is so pumped with fillers and it’s going to ruin her face. She is barely 19 and she will permanently ruin her looks if she doesn’t stop. I read somewhere that over time, it does something to the muscles and skin and the face just falls.

Nextflix and rage.

Margaret Sanger’s British counterpart? She (Sanger) was all about the distribution of birth control to control the poor, dark people population. It is a very frustrating history for a very important thing.

I agree with the charisma aspect but talent has never dictated success in pop music.

This is why the Democrats need to win the White House and get back the house and senate. IMO a public option is the only thing that will be sustainable over the long term to ensure health care access for everybody.

Did you by any chance read the fairly recent “Vanity Fair” with QEII on the cover? The corgis are mentioned. Apparently she also has “dorgis” (dachshund/corgi mixes.) One of her corgis mated with her sister Margaret’s dachshund and that started a whole line.

I have Lord Snowden’s birthday (the guy Princess Margaret divorced.)

If you’ve been around an infant for any amount of time you’ve been peed on too. Unfortunately you didn’t get millions of dollars from it.

I don’t recall Diana getting peed on

See, my plan has been that my boyfriend is going to die and then I’ll marry Tom Hiddleston. I can really only handle one at a time.

Cats. I expected cats.