
"I think I broke my rhinoceros."

In related news Tiger Woods to join The View as a marriage and fidelity expert.

Ahhh what might have Biehn.

Rape isn't just a jock problem, it's a human problem.

(let's take a small walk down serious lane)

You obviously haven't seen my grandma.

The erection aversion business is a tough business to be in.

Why is Eyes Wide Shut the orgy precedent?

To be fair most of England doesn't.

The CD demo is the exact opposite of the prime TV demographic. "49-70 is our sweet spot"

Medusa would make for some top notch porn parody material.

I've had Indian food only a few times in my life and I must say it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Still not anything I would rave about.
Although side effects include ridiculously awful bowel movements for at least 48 hours. It's like Indian food turns you into a new born baby again.

He's a real crack pot.
*high fives*

Why can't the aborted twins be fooled?

-Every Adam Sandler movie ever.

Let's all fight over whether we can lose to Modern Family or simply just not be nominated.

Hey as long as there's a climax, it's drama all the way.

Is there such a thing as memoir that isn't deeply personal with a revealing narrative?

I'll take a stab at it and say yes.

I fucking love Meryl Streep. Not in the oh my god she's the greatest actress of all time type of way but in the please get naked and let me fill all of your orifices sort of way. (don't get me wrong she's a great actress I'd just much rather get down to the nitty gritty)