
"I wish I had this Kevin Connolly guy's career."

I Caan't believe they'd actually make a TV show out of this.

Sources say Mackie took the role and hit the ground running.

Better than American Sniper.

Maybe he finally found an editor who isn't afraid that he might eat him or her.

But seriously those Apple watches look like the most ridiculous piece of technology ever. I'm so over Apple.

Cable companies are already going to be doing this I believe.
TV subscriptions will surely become an on demand just what you want basis fairly soon.

You couldn't pay me $80 to go see Furious 7.

This reminds me of a local news story that happened this winter.
The weather people were predicting a monster blizzard the last week of January I believe. They were saying anywhere from 2-4 feet here in CT.
So of course some asshole decided to buy out the entire bread inventory at the local Wal Mart. Something like…

Exactly. The Chuckie doing time thing to me is the thing I probably believe the least. The Lip stuff was convenient but whatever that seemed very shameless.
Chuckie doing actual time seems a little ridiculous based on the known circumstances.

Was there any chance this wasn't going to get the almighty F?

You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.

I'll take "The only reason I have an acting career is because I have famous parents" for $300 Alex.

He did it all for the nookie.

Dean Winters. Everyone's fuck buddy.

Dare I say this was the best use of Frank in any Shameless episode, ever?

You misspelled adorable.

I hope you're all gad about this casting decision.
You'd have to be a lefou not to be!

Hookers, porn stars, groupies… Sex addict. I'd basically wanna be Tiger Woods 5 years ago.

Adam Sandler casts all his friends, so they stay his friends.