
I'd imagine Trejos balls have seen some stuff.

The Lip stuff was the most impactful stuff of the episode for me. His character has always been the more self aware of the bunch. He knows who he is, he knows where he comes from and he knows that there probably is only one way out. They've played that very well with him.

So it will be a mere coincidence that the pilot of the show will deal with the mental rigors of the beating of a Vietnamese man?
We see you Marky Mark.

Walked away from a plane crash?
Now that is a man's man.

It kind of makes sense to start fresh again. People couldn't expect to lose to Stewart and have the show not be radically different at least in terms of personality.

Jennifer Lawrence cackles at you.

Watched Stewarts take down of Crossfire today. Seems to be a yearly ritual of mine.

Everybody was Jon Foo fighting™

They are both definitely wrong but V is more wrong.

She's just some full frontal away from fully redeeming herself from The Twilight years… At least in my book

I think the hardest thing to watch on screen is something that is so similar to something terrible or tragic you've experienced personally.
Obviously ozymandias is a giant locomotive wreck all over the place and it's pure genius but that only makes it that much more entertaining upon more views.

I don't think Sammi gives any Chuckie shits about the rest of the Gallaghers. It's fun for her to play mom and suzy homemaker but her motivations clearly are with Frank. She's got some serious daddy issues and I think tonight's episode pretty much spelled out her entire motivation in terms of her role with the

I didn't view it as a choice of Gus vs JJS at all. I viewed it as Fiona growing up or just simply finally understanding where she needs to be going. I still don't know if I'm sold on the notion that Fiona and Gus could work long term but the idea of it at least seems to be what's helped Fiona choose the less chaotic

It's one of the most earned arcs in any show I can remember.

There also probably like why the fuck do we keep seeing these pointless run ins with a parking lot attendant.
The context isn't needed but it certainly gives you a leg up on where things might be going.

Last week's episode was probably it's strongest so far.
I went into the show with very little expectations. I honestly wasn't even sure of the angle till I saw the premiere. I'm pleasantly surprised by the world they've begun to build, while its still in the BB universe it doesn't need to rely on that relation at all.

Are people disappointed with BCS?

Netflix told me to watch Friday Night Lights. Usually Netflix doesn't get me but this seemed to be a solid recommendation. This is my 3rd viewing through and it still hits me like a brick wall.
Whats that? No no no no I just got something in my eye.

Davenports hair could be it's own super villain.

To be clear we will accept any and all answers except Denise Richards.