
Wait did Bob Shapiro really take a Hawaiian vacation in the middle of the trial of the century? Like this really happened in real life?

But seriously you have automatic weapons which mow down a gang of walkers surrounding a living breathing human being, every Walker within 50 feet is shot and killed but not one bullet hits the living breathing human being. Glenn must survive so they can completely destroy the audience at the end of the season. Got it.

So basically Funny People, minus the winning awards part.

It makes complete sense that Fiona would match up well with someone older and more paternal. I'm not really sure where the show is gunna go with Fiona but I'd rather her be stable than manic/crazy/chaotic. She's earned that after season 4 and some of last year.
The Mickey/Ian stuff bothers me a lot but makes sense.

I think you've been watching the wrong show for 5+ years.

This gives me a very reasonable chub.

I feel like one char broiled human for two giant dragons would be like me eating one mini rice cake.

I'm way more excited than any man should be for the return of Inside Amy Schumer.

How about the one where the kids get locked in the attic (siblings) by their looney Grandma and then fall in love with each other. Ya know because the natural progression for siblings in this situation is to fall in love with one another. Yeah this was on my TV one day and I'm not sure if I've recovered yet.

Next time I have an opinion and make a comment in jest about someone's beasts I will be sure to check with you beforehand about whether it's an acceptable opinion or not.

You completely and utterly misunderstood and misinterpreted my post if you think I didn't like her because she wasn't attractive. She was. However she had that awful snarl face and was just an otherwise terrible actress who brought little to the movie. Has absolutely nothing to do with her looks and her pleasure to my

Entitled prick. Are you my wife?

Magic Mike could have been a truly great movie if it had not cast puss-face McGee as it's female lead.
(Not even going to Google her because I can't stand her face but I'm pretty sure she's some niece or daughter or 3rd cousin of some studio exec involved in the movie.)

Season 4 was easily the high watermark for this series and I don't know if it's even close. The best written and acted season of Shameless. It was dark and tough but was really terrific TV. This season is a huge step back.

"Hey if we plug in enough nudity maybe they won't notice how horribly written this episode is!"
-Showtime Execs

Ugh this episode was just so… I don't even know how I would describe it. It was blah and all over the map and just really not well done for an otherwise good crew of writers. By far the weakest finale and maybe season shameless has had.

That's exactly missing the point of what those 'bits' or sequences meant to the overall plot of the episode. They weren't meant to be overly interesting or keep you on the edge of your seat. They were there to heighten elements or reveals of the plot further down the line.

So basically you wanted the reveal of Chuck being the one who was blocking Jimmys every move to happen immediately or somewhat immediate to the plot going the way of Jimmy and Chuck potentially working on or co-investing in a case together.
You're equating everything else as filler. But without said filler how would

I generally trade things for blow jobs. (usually it's housework). I've actually been somewhat successful with this.
"I'll paint the bathroom tomorrow if I get a blow job tonight."
"I'll clean the basement this weekend if I can get a blow job right now."
"We can go get a puppy if you give me a blow job tonight…"***

I still don't quite understand what is wrong with porn. I watch porn a lot. I've been in a healthy relationship now for 7 years. We've watched porn together*. I am physically attracted to other people of course. It's human frigging nature to be attracted to other humans. I would never act on those attractions and I