
Or he's gay and is completely and totally judging her lack of fashion awareness in her "slutty home clothes"

Everyone is certainly entitled to an opinion but I'm confused as to what or why you didn't like the episode.

I mean the guy did out what has to be one if not the most famous serial rapists of all time.

The old saying goes…
"Fillion tudyks is always better than feeling just one. "

Schumer is much more in line of Chelsea Handler. She deals with a lot of female tropes really well. She deals with sexism and all that political correctness better than anyone.
Her sketch with the war video game of being a woman in the army was God damn brilliant.

I think people overall are going to have to understand that it's just not going to be Jon Stewarts show anymore. It seemed like everything I read for a replacement was "we need to find as close to the awesome sauce as Stewart as possible".

He came for Rick but instead he found Shane.

If Glenn dies via zombie bite than that will feel very uhhh anti climactic for a character whose survived much worse.

Relying on the big kill or the huge body count for a show with an already large amount of killing doesn't mean good TV.
This episode basically took what we all expected (lots of bullets flying, lots people/zombies dying and hung it over the viewer for 90 mins). Brilliant if you really think about it.
It was probably

I thought for sure this was foreboding to some bad stuff.

-A hot girl wearing very little clothes standing near an over heating car.

If I had a time machine I'd go back to the release of The Rock and then murder Michael Bay.

Bunch of ISISSYS

Well no one has proven that plane didn't get sucked in a black hole!

You know nothing, Internet..

McConaughy embodies a lot of exemplary examples of alpha man hood but growing a beard is not one of them.

Everybody moves at their own pace.

Ikea: #1 cause of divorce/ending relationships in the universe.

Why would anyone pay for Swifts music. Just go turn the radio on and you can here all of it for free on a constant shuffled loop.

This is almost as bad as The Phantom Menace…