Connor Swanson

He was wasn't he? He was the gatekeeper to the karaoke bar. Seems as if he had a similar situation Kevin was in; hope Kevin doesn't become like him, although going mad's not much better.

I subconsciously duck whenever I'm indoors; too many head injuries to risk it. Tall people probably live shorter because of all the shit they hit their heads on.

Us tallboys are usually teddy bears because we never have to fight anyone or feel the need to prove our superiority; it's obvious because we're taller than you! lol

Pretty sure he acts that way in real life lol

Did anyone else think that Eric was dancing with Sara at the wedding? He mentioned she was from New York…

I've been in the exact same situation Dev was in in this episode. Met a girl at a hostel in Argentina, she was crying, I bought her a beer (2 for 1 special; fortuitous!) and we talked. Turns out she was staying in the same city as me! She was studying abroad same as me, and was having a rough go at it, same as me.

A lot of Tim and Eric's stuff comes to mind. Taking a bath in diarrhea; "oopy doopy it'srealfood!" Bonus cringe points for their videos that have kids in them, like Tairy Greene and the Child Clown Rentals; they're hilarious but it makes me uncomfortable that their parents are that irresponsible.

Seriously though; I'm getting nauseous yet I can't look away.

This couldn't be an elaborate tease for Alan Wake 2?

Upvoted for Eraserhead; I watched it in very similar circumstances. Best most repulsive movie ever. Also quite possibly the most terrifying. Not in the cliche use of the word, I mean in the ever-present sense of dread at the world, that everything in it is hostile and alien. It's unforgettable, although I wouldn't

You mean A Thousand Suns? I dunno man, it was pretty great.

Yeah I feel like they relied too much on his reputation from the comics, thinking people would implicitly know he's a badass, but the actual movie version didn't do jack to inspire that same fear until now.

Yeah, Rob and Big was definitely the high point of MTV's lineup. They may have been rich celebrities, but they seemed like real people who were real fun to hang out with. RIP

I may have found a potential connection to the original Prey in one of the books on the Evacuation. It talks about a plane disappearing out of the sky, like the one that showed up on the moon in the original. Can confirm anyone?

I'm 90% sure they based Drax off of (Starcrash's) Thor.

Drive had the same problem: it sold itself to the Fast & Furious crowd

Blade Runner soundtrack fans should check out the song Jetstream by Doves. Fun fact: the song lines up perfectly with the theatrical ending of the film; made me go from hating it to loving it.

Me too! I was excited when I heard she was in it; she looks like the wiry replicant's daughter!

Plus… Ryan Gosling. Divisive I know but I like him (no one else could fill Ford's shoes imo) and if he brings half the strangely affectless charisma and screen presence he brought to Drive he'll do just fine.

Wait, is the desert area supposed to be on Earth or Mars?