Connor Swanson

That lingering shot on Hawk at his desk made me think he's literally been doing just that the past 25 years.

That scene where he smacked the guy with his own shotgun was hilarious.

I would say follow the AV Club's lead and watch the premiere, episode 7 and the finale of season 2. I did and am all up to speed.

And killing his best friend? wtf

I'm pretty sure it was doppel-Laura; we saw the real Laura ascend to the White Lodge at the end of Fire Walk with Me.

I was always confused when Donna and Shelly were talking about how Bobby was the worst and James was just the *best*. I'm like have you seen them? They're both douchy looking greasers.

I saw a bit of the series (first six episodes, it was always a bit too slow for me to fully invest in), then Fire Walk with Me (hoo boy that was rough, way different than the TV movie I was expecting, although very good), then the AV Club's handy most-essential 5-episodes. So I'm not exactly a neophyte, but I haven't

I just caught up with the finale yesterday, and I'm intrigued that it was all apparently part of Lynch's plan to return after 25 years (when television caught up with his vision I guess). That inspired a lot of confidence in me that it wasn't a cheap nostalgia cash-in. It's unfortunate that we don't get to see the

I am glad to see that Lynch's obsession with machinery has evolved to the digital age, with his lingering shots of the box's inscrutable recording devices. I was also struck with a depressing thought: Lynch's surreal, weird, dark, violent America is more real now than it ever was back then. Coop's mission to save Twin

He just did.

Worshippers at Ayn Rand's throne of parasite detesting and hard work make one of the laziest tax scams of a movie ever. Irony!

Lucky you got to see it before the N'tflix Corp'ration got hold of it.

2 or 3 dhollops?

Ahh the Y, that exclusive club that anyone can belong to.

Yeah budgets are a huge limiting factor for prestige fantasy shows; high risk/reward investments and all.

The books have a different tone, sure, but the games are a continuation of the books' story, so gamers will probably have an idea who the characters are.

Yesyesyes please.

Yeah, I wonder how his reaction would change if he knew what we know, that Burton did Depart and come back? Would he lose his fixation on Kevin, or would it strengthen due to verification? Probably the latter, although who knows. Also, does that mean Burton will come back?

I saw it as him also being so mad and wrathful at Burton for impersonating God that he wanted nothing more than to cause him suffering. Regardless, it's a very dark, if liberating turn for his character.

Matts's flat-footed "that's the guy I was talking to you about" was hilariously anti-climactic and a perfect way to end an intentionally disappointing series of events. I also LOVED how quickly Matt goes from being suspect about Burton's claims to believing he's God, or at least wanting to believe because any answer