Connor Swanson

They were really pushing the PG-13 rating with the sex stuff. I was hoping they would go full-on Z-grade sexploitation with Ego going around to all the planets and screwing the brains out of hot alien babes. I mean that did happen, but I would've loved to have seen it lol. Favorite quip: "Oh trust me, If I had a hand

Heh although the Guardians movies give the murderverse a run for their money, although in a zanier, less disturbingly serious way.

Nothing embarassing about it!

I still think Strange would make a more compelling villain in Infinity War than Thanos. A. We've spent more time with him, B. we've already seen his megalomaniacal tendencies to mess with natural law while dealing with 0 consequences, and C. his similarities to Tony would make him a great foil when it comes down to

Awww I didn't even make that connection til now; now I'm blubbing too! :*(

Collider talked about (and I agree with) how they more effectively set up Thanos as a villain in this than any other movie prior just by mentioning the awful things he did to Nebula.

I loved Kurt Russell's Ego; his compellingly grey-shaded morality and love for his son finally tipping over into full-on evil was the most compelling villain Marvel's done in a while. I also really liked Ayesha, who's motivation for her villainy was hilariously petty: They stole some batteries from us, let's kill them!

That is a strange complaint, especially after the "it's too drab" complaints for the D.C. murderverse (myself among the complainants)

Plus logging on just to see everyone yelling at each other over either bullshit outrage or legitimate outrage is exhausting.

Splett's tourist hat did it for me; that and his "that's actually my favorite joke ever" aside, and Jonah's delightfully earnest glee at it. More of them please!

Her attempts to bond with Selena over what kind of orgasms she gets was hilarious, and also kind of sad, if you think about it; she must not have many friends if she thinks that her and Selena are :(

Having worked (interned) in government myself, I find Veep so funny because it's so accurate. For the most part government is not full of manipulative masterminds, it is more full of idiots flinging shit at walls to see what will stick; even worse, they watch the shit (bills) avidly to see if their shit sticks better

Sounds like a step up from my job as a digital gardener! H.O.W.A.R.D. can stuff it!

Username synergy!

Looks pretty f*ckin' cool. I'm all for them changing the story up (looks like a mix up of the Matrix and Lord of the Rings), makes it more appealing to general audiences and hopefully more intriguing for us book viewers.

But she killed the last guy named Kevin, so maybe he wouldn't want her to do him next.

Oh good point, I didn't think of that.

The funny thing about all this is that, if, in all likelihood, the flood doesn't happen, Kevin Sr.'s beliefs will be further validated.

I don't think it will end well for either of them…

Season 1 of The Leftovers!