Connor Swanson

Cheez-It's are like air; you can go through 1000 of them and somehow still not be full.

Man, I thought Cameron was going to get cold feet. Kind of wanted that rather than her staying with limp fish Tom

So I think one of the reviewer's chief complaints is that the show never lets us just spend time with the characters to establish a baseline for their philosophical waxings and plot machinations to really resonate, but that's a formal choice that I'm really growing to appreciate. It's like in video games, how you know

Ahhh that throws my deductive reasoning for a major loop. Everyone could be a robot now, since we see through Bernard and the security bot that they have the ability to influence other robots' code and modes. The only thing that can prove if someone is a robot is if they freeze on people's commands, but even then we

That part where William talked about how he liked Westworld because of the structure hit hard, because that's the exact same reason I like narratives.

One can only dream *goes about subconsciously coaching his brain into having that dream tonight*

How many recent tech start ups have been bought at a gross overvaluation and consumed just in the past 10 years? I tend to agree with Cameron but yeah she should have found some middle ground

Cameron and Tom's disagreement on last names is definitely showing their relationship is already on shaky ground, but it's also a perfect summation of the show: they both love each other, but can't past themselves enough to agree. Agh I swear this show should just be called The Tragedy of the Human Condition.

Lost, and the relationship between Jack and Locke has been on my mind a lot too. I will probably get SO much more out of it now that I'm older.

Oh god, I had forgotten about Fringe. Fresh wave of feels coming on

That happy look Prof gives to who I assume is Logan (you know the one) breaks me every time. I will miss those guys. So much.

Please hang in there; I hope your favorite team wins.

A lot of the reasons you listed for why you like football are the same reasons I love storytelling in general. An ability to place yourself in someone else's shoes and see how alike you are despite superficial differences.

Find self care wherever you can man; no judgement.

Side note: I wish Logan was coming out this weekend. By all means it looks like a wonderfully humanist story, with the relationships between Logan, his adopted daughter X-23, and the father who adopted him, Professor X, and their struggle to stay alive and stay together at all costs. That kind of humanism is something

Professor X and Martin Luther King Jr. can teach us much. I'm also reminded of John Adams defending the British soldiers, in that case the minority in terms of public support, against the tyranny of the majority after the Boston Massacre. Their stories inspire me, and have helped me become once again resolute to

God Moving Over the Face of the Waters

Walls by Kings of Leon.
"When the walls come down,
when the walls come down.
You tore out my heart,
you threw it away.
The Western girl with Eastern eyes,
Took a wrong turn and found surprise awaits,
Now there's nothing in our way."
Tearing up just thinking about it; so much love and hope in that song, do yourself a favor

Also seeing Arrival this weekend; that movie looks like a God-send.

Valerian trailer man.