Right? I'm surprised it's that low
Right? I'm surprised it's that low
I don't know what that means either!
As far as the Jews keeping that technology to themselves in Wolfenstein, I feel like it's a deliberate, if somewhat pulpy example of a minority taking negative stereotypes and making them empowering. Like exploitation movies (Blaxploitation, Mexploitation), where they take stereotypes and run so far with them that…
Ditto on MGS V; I got to mission 30, and ran out of steam. It's too big of a game! I also love Halo 5 Warzone: next time you're on Raid on Apex 7, take a Mongoose and go around the outside of the map and try sneaking into the enemy armory. I boosted to the top of the base from the rock formation, hid on the upper…
*Freezes on spit due to incompetent editing.* Come to think of it, that whole show is a love letter to hilariously shitty editing.
Check your microaggressions bro.
This is one of those article headlines that could easily be misconstrued without italicization. "Oh, Hello's George St. Geegland and Gil Faizon Stopped by Seth Myers; Three Dead, Two Wounded in One of Their Classic Incidents Where They Make a Woman Cry."
I expect an Edge of Tomorrow style montage of Kevin doing stupid things, dying, doing stupider things in Purgatory, yet somehow it all still ties together strangely in an incredibly emotional way. "A yamurlka, but… that's what I was wearing at my bar mitzvah!" "Embrace the meshuganah, Kevin." *Recites Fleetwood Mac's…
I fear it's in the same dreaded tech category as Bluetooth headsets, Apple Watches and Google Glass
"There will be a gun in the toilet." *I think "wait, this is like that scene in the Godfather"* "… Like the Godfather?" "Huh, yeah, like the Godfather." XD
Breaking Bad? It ended at exactly the right time, not in terms of story content (although that could be argued, even though certain elements of season 5 were sped through, the actual work of building a drug empire being one of them), but in terms of cultural zeitgestness, where people were still just finding out about…
I see them reacting to the alien theory in the same way as the demon Azrael theory: with a scoff and a snort. We'll never know!!
Rat a Tat is such a good song with such a terrible/terribly unnecessary guest. Well… Courtney Love is a washed up rock has been, and the whole conceit of the album was "save rock and roll," so it makes sense, I guess; she's not terribly unnecessary then, just terrible.
Semicolons are the tangential rambler's best friend; know what I mean?
I still don't quite get what's going on in that hotel, but that's the point, and I appreciate the balls it took to go for something like that, not just once but twice!
I like that the first time he died to get rid of Patti, but the second time he came back because he really wanted to get back to his family; all the other times he was saying it, it felt like he was lying to himself.
If anything, I think the UFO thread serves as a red flag for those who maybe don't know that the show is not in fact based on a true story as it claims. They look at the show, and the way that events are perfectly played out, and go "wow, this is way too coherent a story to be real." I think it helps highlight the…
Anyone else notice the symbols in the bar Hanzee went to on the ceiling looked an awful lot like Hank's symbols from last week?
Wait, that was Luke's apartment with the picture of that lady in the medicine cabinet? I thought it was HER apartment… WHOA SHE'S SLEEPING WITH HER DEAD LOVER'S HUSBAND.
Your profile pic wouldn't happen to be of a General Ambrose Burnside?