Connor Swanson

haha the thing about it for me is how it changes so quickly. Being from the Detroit area, I got caught up in the Lions hype a (couple?) years ago, and now they're back at the bottom of the pack. What happened? Did I miss something (obviously I did, don't answer that)? That's why I think there should be one big

Half of the songs I originally had on my Itunes library are gone now for some reason, probably lost when I got a new computer, even though I transferred everything over from a removable hard drive. Probably due to not syncing to Icloud or itunes match or whatever other money grubbing content diffusing bs they came up

I don't watch football all that much, let alone pro football, but man do I love these pieces. Football culture is much more interesting to me than the actual game

My favorite part was when he mentions the Vorpal Blade right as we see his huge fucking assault rifle; shivers down the spine at that. Excellent cinematography on their part. Also, don't know if anyone else noticed this, but at the house he's firing what looks to be an MP5 (or a submachine gun of some kind); where'd

I liked the societal doomsday stuff this ep. because it points out how fallacious that argument is. That's why the old "the world is going to shit these days" argument pisses me off so much; people have been saying that since LITERALLY FOREVER, and yet we move on, then look back at the "good old days," when we said

One thing I love about Awesome Show Great Job are the scenes with the "real" Tim and Eric, where there is a hilariously unexplained tension between the two, usually created by Tim, like Tim getting jealous of Eric's new best friend Raz or telling him about the Snuggler, the man who saved his life, to which Eric dryly

Burris looks a LOT like Paul's ex-lover (Miguel?); when he shot Paul in the back, I though Miguel had come back to life, and that this show had gotten a WHOOOOOLE lot weirder. Almost would have preferred it that way actually lol

Stan's Frank's guy who got killed earlier; the "good man" whose son he goes to visit. Can't help you with Burris and Holloway, I have no idea either lol

I got the impression that he didn't care. He worked so hard to change things he never could, and was rewarded with the death of one of his only friends; doesn't matter to him what happens next.

No mention of the score? It's seriously fantastic, one of the best things about this show. It's like a modern John Carpenter score; the end scene's slowly building drone had me transfixed and dreading what was inside the trunk (even though I'm pretty sure we all knew). A great show to watch with headphones.

Dude, this, Closing Time and Bittersweet Symphony form my triumvarate of favorite 90's songs that will stand the test of time.

Plus it's not like Nic Pizzolatto's writing ability dramatically increased in the last year. I do like this season though, for its quirks and attempts to do something different.

She's the Yellow King!!

He's no stranger to tennis skits; he showed up on Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!'s "Tennis" as part of the Lonely Island.

I though there were some generally entertaining parts, like Triumph being left for dead in the woods. Unfortunately, it seemed less interested in deconstructing the incredibly tired multi-cam sitcom, and more interested in being a lazy attempt at a raunchy tired multi-cam sitcom. The first time I could see Triumph's

I know people will disagree with me, but I went in cold on Metal Gear Solid IV: Guns of the Patriots and LOVED it. Even though MGS is known for its labyrinthine lore, underneath all that, IV was really a simple story about a legendary soldier making up for the mistakes of his past; not knowing the details of his life

What kind of person proudly announces that they will be hanging out at a Subway? I'm sorry, but that's not a quality of an attractive person to me lol

Props to Jon Hamm for making Ed more appallingly incompetent and unattractive as a human being than even Terry/Gary/Larry.

You're forgetting the ending, where the Illusive Man's plan to control the Reapers being Paragon blue. It initially seemed a total reversal of everything I thought about my Paragon character, until I realized just what you said: Paragons are order, renegades are chaos.

Miracle save series-order by TBS anyone? Also, that "I have to feed my cat" line was killer; I've used it myself!