
Good catch. And she's an android!

Enjoyed the episode, but Anthony Hopkins must have spoken Bernard's name a hundred times, including his assertion that he chose it(??!) Ford has Hopkins' own Welsh background and accent, and that no one from the British Isles pronounces "BerNARD" the way Ford does. It's pronounced BER-nid. It's like having a Spanish

Me too.

Maybe the corpse at the consulate was allergic to the Michelin man!

I was using exaggeration with "laundress." My point is that her living conditions were more likely to be miserable than not. She would be seen as a security /morale risk since she never chose to be there, and it's likely homesickness would make her more patriotic than ever. And the Soviets are well aware of that.

Oh I think it's obvious Tom is the next POTUS. Why else would he be meeting secretly with the Speaker? And somehow the next Veep will be you-know-who.

I assume she was still complaining about the will.

It's not logic, it's emotion. She hates herself for endangering them and she craves their approval. Plus in her family adult status=spying.

I keep wondering what "living like a hero" in the USSR was really like. We know that the Cambridge spy ring were miserable after defecting. And they had real status. Martha is probably a laundress. And somehow I think the privileges afforded to Soviet nationals who have been tainted by life in the West, and who lack

Of course she would have recoiled inwardly at Black Jack's twin saying, "flog" , but she never would have verbalized it. Someone on this board mentioned the moment when she tells Frank she will forget Jamie because Jamie told her to. This is a parallel moment. The reaction should be in her eyes.

I assumed she was looking for her bus pass.

So it isn't something we TV viewers are supposed to recognize at this point? Thanks.

As Claire is closing her suitcase, she stops and takes something out of a small box and examines it before shutting it away. It looked like a largish ring or brooch with a big central stone missing. Anyone know what it was?

Can I just say how thrilled I am that the show is being recapped here and critiqued by this gang? I stumbled on this show by way of the Golden Globe nominations. After watching/fast forwarding through the episodes I was incredulous. "God, I wish there was an AV Club community for this," I thought. And here you are!

As someone who was around in those days I can tell you that while f*ck was a curse, "balling" was the preferred term among hippie-ish guys for what was, in their minds, consensual sex. Serendipity for network TV, and not an inaccuracy. Also, what Jay See said about the sexism of the time is accurate. The pill

I think Lilly and Sam have sexual as well as comedic chemistry. He looks at her in every scene like he can hardly keep his hands off her and vice versa. Great acting choices by both of them and they clearly worked hard to establish shared physical habits. Their energy level is extraordinary.

Seriously. He has New York and London stage acting chops no one else in that cast could touch.

@Linnea: If Liam was purged why didn't Jason purge himself when he infected Ronnie?

Wow. There is clearly greater efficiency in that lifecycle than I realized. I confess I don't get why the larvae need to exit one human in order to mature in another. Trying to avoid digestive enzymes and get right into body tissue?

Yes! Plus didn't the hyperbaric chamber also kill off little Liam's larvae?