
All I could read was 1970.

For some reason Comcast broadcasts it on a standard def channel but offers it in HD as well as SD through On Demand.

"…your new dad is a killer cop…" who smiles when he's enraged.

Thanks for the correction. I'm also a devoted fan of his, but one who posted after taking a sleeping pill and couldn't figure out why his name looked funny.

Anyone remember the episode of Homicide:Life on the Street where Vincent Dinofrio guest-starred as the voice of a guy trapped under a metro train? Andre Braugher played the cop who had to talk to him till he died. This episode was so reminicent of that one, which ended up winning several awards. I bet this one does

What are you talking about? Bath salts aren't a San Francisco thing. We have virtually legal weed. That was Florida.

Yes I noticed that. But who said it? I didn't get the impression it was a fact, just another attempt to explain his behavior. Earlier it was said he was looking for his father;but I don't think any of these are going to turn out to be the truth.

I didn't think there was any confusion at all about whose blood was on Liam's pajamas. If you saw the coming attractions, there was a flashback shot of Liam running along a long road the night of the murder. Apparently the first episode elided the part where his Dad found him apparently bleeding and washed him. Which

The best screen name EVER.

Anyone else sorry Nina is still around? I find her very hard to watch. I'm not sure if it's the character or the actress. She is perpetually miserable but we're supposed to think she's loaded with sex appeal which I just don't see at all.

Why wasn't the trash dumped? Maybe because Liam's feet began putrifying that same night and his mother has not left his side since. And god knows his father is not the kind of guy to take responsibility for anything.

State-of-the-art as in a mostly glass cube with the toilet front and center. Oh and situated on a primary corridor so all visitors to the building can get a good look on their way to civic appointments.

Wow. Great catch. I'll have to rewatch for that. A British actor is trained to be sensitive to that. He'd expect to soften a regional accent as his character becomes more successful.

Thanks. So I guess this refers to Lester's life: A Heap of Misery. Bad at his job, not making money, married to shrew who humiliates him, beaten by bully, overshadowed by brother. Take away each of those pieces and is it still Lester's Heap of Misery? The moment he sees Malvo it all comes back, and his face becomes

So why was it called "The Heap"?