
MLG? ick.

on the bright side, at least it’ll maybe put out all the fires!

I think Destiny is a lot of people’s first mmo, judging by a lot of common reactions. Even if Bungie keeps saying its not, it totally is.

I vote we take all the asteroids in the asteroid belt, and smash em together to make a planet.

herp derp lets make a post bitching about clickbait on a blog

Moot is gone. The death of 4chan is finally upon us. I never thought I’d live to see this happen.

Yeah, I really don’t know why people are bitching, it looks like StarFox, and it looks fucking pretty to me. Then again, I also come from the golden age where how the game played and the story were more important than how many polygons the blades of grass sport.

man, everyone just wants to shit on this game. Isn’t it standard practice to deny rumors until the PR people get the go ahead to make the announcement of a delay? Besides, their backers aren’t random million dollar investers, they’re kids on the internet who donated a couple bucks each to get a new Megaman game. Of

It was badly run, but its nowhere near abuse of kickstarter. What are you, one of those gamergate idiots?

everyone’s been such a giant baby about the kickstarter. Infune is basically bringing us Megaman Legends, and everyone is circlejerking about the kickstarter, which as we all know isn’t the best medium for stuff. Could they be more transparent? Sure. Would I still buy into the game if its released? Of course. I’m not

That’s like some horror movie deformation right there

Sorry mate, the socialism scare train already departed 7 years ago with Obama, and I haven’t seen the US burn down yet(mostly since only idiots throw around socialism as a scare word, and Obama isn’t even close to one lmao). Socialism isn’t a bad thing at all

Eh, it would have been far more annoying back when mats were an actual chore to obtain. I exploited this a ton, and even I think this is something they should have patched a while ago.

Of course people would be afraid of humans with Spartan strength and Tesla levels of genius. But imagine toddlers benchpressing your motorcycle while explaining quantum electrodynamics, AND all in time for their 3 o’clock nap. That’s the kind of world I want to live in.

Its hilarious that in these videos with these glitch pros, everyone seems to scream all the time.

People seem to forget that you don't buy Nintendo consoles to play shitty CoD games all day. Nintendo has its own unique brand and approach, and the first party games they deliver are and almost always have been the top of the top quality. If you want to be a consumer whore of AAA shovelware, there are two other

Its ridiculous to think Nintendo would already have a new home console ready to pump out. The Wii U isn't a bad system by any means. Did it come out a bit too early? Yes, absolutely. But Nintendo doesn't cycle through systems like your average iPhone user would phones.

if you aren't trolling(which I'm sure you are), all the ice sheets they talk about melting aren't in the ocean, they're on land. Antarctica isn't a giant floating iceburg, it's an entire continent, which you should have learned in 2nd grade.

Evacuate the town, and then blow the shit up, 'Murica style.

fuck consumers! maximum profits for corporations! good attitude to have buccko.