
hurr durr title is clickbait just like every other title of any other journalistic piece in the history of ever

They'll get the banhammer pretty quick, Bungie tends to slap people silly who cheat in their games.

how old are you, 12? Online capabilities are there to increase the time people play games, because impatient children like yourself can't be bothered to play campaign because they don't have the focus. They want instant satisfaction. People like you are a blight to gaming and creativity.

Metroid does need some more rep. But the thing is, there aren't really any other reoccurring characters, since the games are focused on Samus and her adventures. Ridley is the leader of the Space Pirates, but he's a fucking dragon. He would be a broken character, and his mechanics wouldn't work at all in Smash.

So basically you're telling me the most effective way to kill snakes is by tricking them into eating dynamite, right? Complete and rapid destruction of the brain, yeah?

God damn it Napa.

I did, as recently as a month ago, and strangely found nothing about it. Now I look and find info using the same search as last time. Guess I'll just saddle on up to my local Gamestop and pick me up one of 'em for moddin' now, partner.

The vita has like 10 games, none of which are worth playing. And since nobody can seem to crack it, there's no way to run emulation software to turn it into the ultimate portable gaming device like we all want(like the PSP has become). The Vita is pretty dead in the water.

My hope is that within a reasonable amount of time, we see software that will accurately and reliably translate things from any major language someone is speaking, and translate it into the receiver's language. It would be incredible to be able to hold a conversation with someone across the world without the need for

Usually though, if you buy a Nintendo system, its not for the 3rd party games, at least I never did. That's why I own a 360 and PC. Nintendo is king of first party games, and that's why their systems don't turn into a massive pile of poo. That's why the WiiU is doing poorly right now(along with the fact that they

You're that guy that nobody invites to parties.

I'll make it relevant. There isn't much wrong with the WiiU, unless you're talking about the sales, or a smaller game library. The system itself is solid, and no, it doesn't have to have 1 million processors and be able to pump out visuals that look like I'm at the movies to be good.

I think this just broke an internet record for fastest meme to real world transition

" I need to find something to be outraged about! Hey look, box art for a video game! Lets turn that into a racist image and get mad! DAMN YOU UBISOFT FOR MAKING ME DREDGE UP MY POLITICAL CORRECT WAYS AND DAMN YOU FOR THIS IMAGE THAT OFFENDS ME BECAUSE MY MORAL CODE DICTATES THAT MY BUTT BE ABLE TO PRODUCE DIAMONDS

there's this really nifty money generator governments use called taxes to create revenue, you should read up on it sometime


Aaaaaannnnd they sold me. This was the thing I was waiting to hear about, looks like I'm buying an Xbone. This was a very smart move.

I feel like that's a bad move for them, because its something to help set them apart from what PS does, and give them a better edge. A lot of the games were kind of just eh, but they also have given out a hell of a lot of good shit too.

This is awesome. Now we wait for the ethics asshats to ruin the fun.

Sony is just the corporate version of Bad Luck Brian.