Hahaha, so because one of the most popular Zelda games was remade and updated in HD, I only want to buy remakes. Yeah sure, okay, solid argument.
Hahaha, so because one of the most popular Zelda games was remade and updated in HD, I only want to buy remakes. Yeah sure, okay, solid argument.
plenty of people care, actually. Just because you're blinded by maddon and cod, doesn't mean its a bad system. I actually bought the wii u when the windwaker remake came out, I have no plans to buy the xbone, and I'm not having any real urge to own a ps4.
Well, guess I'm a moron. I play games with story first, then multiplayer. Kids now have forgotten what old games had to have in order to survive. Now its just mindless shoot em ups, because people are too impatient/stupid to enjoy a well put together story.
I wanted to play it for both. There are still people in the world who want their games to have good campaign, and give companies money based on the game's story first.
Because its anime? Its like questioning physics in video games, just accept it. There's actually a fantastic underlying moral message in the series, which basically tells viewers to believe in themselves and the power of the loved ones around them, and that you can overcome any obstacle that gets put in front of you.…
The gamepad is a real controller. I bought the Windwaker edition console, and to my utter surprise, the system has been one of the best investments I've made into gaming in years. The controller being able to play games on it rather than on the screen allows me to sit way more comfortably playing games, and the…
The gamepad is a real controller. I bought the Windwaker edition console, and to my utter surprise, the system has been one of the best investments I've made into gaming in years. The controller being able to play games on it rather than on the screen allows me to sit way more comfortably playing games, and the…
On my screen, to the left side in the 'Top Stories' section, only one story has nothing to do with gaming, and its this one. Or are you referencing a time delay in their getting information out to us, comparing to other outlets?
Your shitty generalizations of an entire political group doesn't really help anyone, including your own arguments( if you use that kind of wording in arguments).
I don't think being first in a shitty game that's ripped off other games in the genera is anything to really be proud of.
So much cynicism going on here.. bundles are things that companies do to sell consoles and games. How many different bundles has the PS3 had, for example? Then again everyone loves to hate on Nintendo.
Its primary target is for kids. In the article they call it an entry level handheld, which if we want to compare that to a console idea, its like the early days of the 360, and their 3 different models you could pick.
..Except they have to fight against the Vita, which has been bombing. Nintendo absolutely dominates the handheld marketplace.
I remember hearing the "X system has no games" argument when the PS3 came out(and it was like that for a few years too), but people still went and dumped $599 on a system without games. The WiiU doesn't have a massive physical library yet, but they have a huge digital catalog of older games as well. The biggest issue…
Basically, for those of us who own/ are interested in the 3DS, this model is more like for your little brother or sister. Its a lot more durable because there aren't hinges for it to snap at and break. Downside is that the screens are more susceptible to getting their shit smashed, but its more likely that they'll…
And you sound like a pompous asshat. "Oh no, I can't get this app because its not available in my region? Looks like I better up an move my life to a new country so I can spend $5 whole dollars on some sub par shitty android game!" You see how stupid that sounds? You're a retard, and if people are going to be as…
Steam actually has helped to stem my piracy habits, thanks to how stupidly awesome their sales can be. I've got a lot of games that I would have otherwise just downloaded, but don't need to because they're affordable and all in one convenient place. If more companies did the kind of pricing ideas steam implements,…
Half agree with this. The reason the industry is having issues is because they like to put out half finished games for full price, charge assloads for on the disc "dlc", or put out shitty games in general. People making bad business decisions hurt the industry, not the amount of people who pirate. In some cases like…
This is the most retarded response I've ever seen to someone making an argument against region specific things. Why in your mind does it make more sense to move to an entirely different country because he can't buy something, than to use the methods he's told us he's had to do/only options he has?
Its odd when people get upset over GTA spoilers, when the games never really had that great of a story in the first place..