
Everything feels great to me. Only thing I can agree with you on is the campaign is short.

Spike TV isn't really who I would first consult as to who deserves game of the year..

More color choices for the ending. 3 colors just weren't enough.

..If he wanted to teach his daughter that women can be powerful, then have her play Metroid. Samus is a tank.

Oh god the grunt

..Someone spinzaku this original gif, please?

Halo CE was literally a game changer as we all know, and it really changed the face of the modern FPS. Top that with a fantastic universe, and you've got an instant classic. Halo 2 is literally HUGE, but its a lot of empty space, but its a beautiful environment. Hell, all Halo games are very beautiful. Gorgeous open

Get over it. Its a shitty game. Jesus people are over sensitive.

Have you seen the people commenting on this site lately?

Yes, I'm sure you're from the scene, and I work for Sony.

People buy Smart cars..

Its not really an attack. Its the internet latching onto a really amusing phrase, and it turned into a meme. It happens a lot. You must not frequent this realm often.

You make it sound like he just insulted the entirety of your family and life, lol.

Science, my friends. Beautiful work they've done, giving this man a new lease on life.

Okay, so you posted a wiki article and I'm a jackass. Woah man, you seem to be pretty angry about something. Want to post the doubling the debt thing too? Or is your source Wiki as well?

New account, only two posts. Okay, made to troll. business as usual

Those questions were the worst thing ever. They were okay the first and second debate, then this one comes, and its a bomb of spam.

Why are you on Gizmodo? Don't comment if it doesn't apply to you troll