
The Warriors? Pffft

You sir, are very mad. Why do I feel that you might just be on the team working on this game? That's the only way I can rationalize you being so..upset. Throwing a bunch of insults together into two posts isn't really that impressive. I think you just don't like Plunkett.

Gives me more reason to try to snap every kit kat bar in the store..

"Every Tales game is perfect."

Hey, seeing things like this, its not surprising. Pretty much nothing scares them, and things we're afraid to do, they almost make a sport out of it. They're the most bad ass people on the planet, and I love them.

Woah, sounds like someone's irritated that there are people who have disposable incomes. Nothing wrong with people having jobs that enable them to afford nifty things.

Am I the only one who read Cap n' Jizz?

That last image is right.

You obviously don't know a classic. How old are you, 12? Go back to your call of duty, and leave the real games to everyone else.

I love you. Forever.

Reading facts is far beyond a fanboy's ability

Welcome to the gaming industry, where gamers feel like they're entitled to take shits on golden toilets and direct lines to developers.

Nobody /needs/ any console. Plenty of people want it though. Just because you can't see past your immature fanboy rage doesn't mean that nobody else can see the positives to it.

I'm pretty sure that the eternal flame of rage that would encompass the northern hemisphere would be enough to kill us all.

This. I've also heard that this game was on the brink of being canceled, and Nintendo stepped in. People are too quick to judge, and that's why we never see innovation in this industry, and why its going drive it to a second crash. :/

Thank you for protecting us, oh great nanny bot.

Are you serious? Its things like this that give me more reason to hate Apple. They aren't innovators at all, they're just out of money, and everyone's too fucking stupid to realize that the crap they buy from them is just that..

Fingers crossed that it'll actually be affordable at launch..

And why does everything they have to post be news?