

@CRRRUNK ... ಠ_ಠ: He isn't annoying, he's usually just cast as an annoying character.

Am I the only one laughing that they actually said dongles?

Events like this really concern me with the future of gaming. If things like this keep happening more often and get more publicized, its just not good for the industry at all.

NO NO NO A THOUSAND TIMES NO. Enough music games, PLEASE. And announcing a 2nd one already? The only thing that I can say I like from DJ Hero is the music.

An announcement of everything BUT DNF.

I don't understand how cutting out the plastic that helps to keep the cases stable, especially where the game sits, is considered eco friendly. Greenpeace or whoever can go fuck themselves, I don't want my games busted in the name of nature.

@RagingAvatar: Actually, the 25th was a Peagen holiday to celebrate the winter solstice, until the Churches moved Jesus's birthday to then to try and convert them.

@Cirap: Oh, American youth. <3

She just looks so excited about life.

@Owosso: The majority of the world is 16. America tends to be a little slow with change, and also extraordinarily closed minded about anything that they don't agree with. 'Oh no, that girl was 17, a month from her birthday, and your 22? ILLEGAL! GO TO JAIL

Epic trolls. <3

I'm glad that Sega is fighting the good fight. Censoring art is wrong on many levels. Aussieland needs to get someone up there who can take care of some srs business to get things changed right again.

I wonder if this will come stateside.

@Red_Dragon: The only difference between Activision and EA is that EA actually has some decent games under the belt.

@Airaku: How are they influential? Maybe at one point they were, but now they are the butt of jokes.

@Steinin: make new models, and copypasta some code. I think what takes them the longest is they actually have to put time into models.

When I heard this announcement, I was tempted to punch my laptop in hopes that my rage would travel through the internet and nail Harmonix in the virtual nads.

@crackp1pe: It was released at full price because Microsoft controls prices, not Bungie.

I might not care for the PS3, but my god is that pretty.