
I’m selling this picture titled “Don’t Look Back, America” on eBay for $19.99 + Shipping and Handling!

This reminds me of something my mom used to say when I was being a brat:
“Who sets the tone? YOU set the tone”

Ok. Please do not mistake this as support of any kind for Trump or RNC silliness. And I am a firm believer that women face sexism with attire every single day.

There actually was a very small group of Nazis there having a weird conversation with the cops. We walked past them and I nearly bumped into one when my husband exclaimed “WATCH OUT FOR THAT NAZI!!!” Really? Thanks babe. He just had to yell that. I’m not 19 trying to fight skinheads at shows anymore. I’m an adult with

I can see that. I don't if I would enjoy it, even though I love people watching. I'm just not politically neutral enough — I'd probably end up in a fight with some skinhead or tea partier or militant pro-lifer.

In a large city, for a major event, it’s not so bad. To me it just kind of reflects the OP’s positive attitude that she didn’t think the walk was a huge deal.

Oh ffs.

I’m so glad that that image catches the woodland sprite in the back mid-skip.

I hope it’s the same intern who designed the original Trump-Pencetration logo. I’m sure it’s a staffer who also consistently tells Trump that his “hair is looking great today!”

She plagiarized Michelle Obama and rickrolled the RNC. I’m convinced that her speech writer is a 100% Grade A Troll. And I love them.

Is anyone on the ground there talking about the Melania plagiarism, or is it only a BFD among those of us who care about things like critical thinking and attributing ideas?

I think you accidentally went to the Great Lakes Medieval Faire down the road.

It would be rather fitting for Kanye’s career to come to end for speaking through a wire.

the full lyrics totally change the context of the line she signed off on though.

We still have a few openings on #TeamNeither. We never get any wins, but we’re still undefeated going into the 2017 season.

She always said that there’d been one phone call, just that it never included talking about the offending line or playing the song for her, which according to the leaked videos still stands as true.

Perhaps you would like to purchase one of my patented, sexy Ghostbustiers? It’s a bustier. With ghosts on it.

But, like, doesn’t an actual rich person not care about making money? OR - if she is so intensely passionate about the underprivileged without towels, why not start a Towels for The Poors not-for-profit?

You mock but that’s how me and my wife met. We were both at a Podiatry convention in St. Kitts and, after my customary 75 backstroke laps to start my day, I got out of the pool and grabbed my commemorative Batman Forever beach towel only for our hands to meet as she reached for the same one. We laughed over the

Don’t worry, Pokemon Go will not eat through your data allowance, because it only works for like 25 min before draining your battery.