
She means the cops.

Well, you’re analogy is bad because as it stands now the US isn’t being lead by a tyrannical dictator intent on committing genocide against his own people just because he can. The choice for Syrian men isn’t fight for your country or flee; the choice here is get conscripted by a crazy person who’s likely actively

“Was it hard to “do it”?” I whispered gently salivating into my children’s portioned French toast.

Post Baby!

Zambillion Little Pieces.

I believe it's Sucker Punch.

She didn’t call a Black woman a nigger because her son died. She did it because she thinks we’re subhuman.

I can almost guarantee that before camera was rolling she and the camera man were casually chatting as they drove up. Their lives weren’t just shattered, they needed to have reporter faces on for the segment but were otherwise going about a day at the office.

Flying under the radar with my smooth matte stealth-grey remarks. Snarking and sneaking in with drive-by comments as it suits me, with no one to please or appease but myself. Committed to civil discourse but must say that anonymity on the kinja fringes is under-appreciated. Now I just embrace by greyness as I do my

Now playing

He is very talented and I really want to go to one of his concerts. That shit looks amazeballs.

Sorry not everyone can be a saint like you. I have teacher friends and used to work IT at a school district, and the kids can be complete shits. Between the verbal abuse, low pay, bureaucratic BS environment, and the fact that teachers are basically told to teach tests instead of actually teaching things that foster

And teachers are not clergy. When you have an expectation of privacy in your conversation, you say things to make work bearable and to reduce stress. The example they set is in their interactions, not their personal, private conversations.

Have a parent/grand parent, teach yourself, be married to a teacher, or have a good friend that is a teacher. Then get back to me. My entire family including my wife are or have been teachers. The amount of shit they put the verbal abuse they take from students, parents, and the administration is astronomical. There

...counter point...every student there most likely curses out, degrades, and or slanders said teachers in their own chats and social media...some of them blatantly in the open to public. Just look at any school desk — I’m sure you’ll find a “F*&K Mr./Mrs. Smith” on some desk — doesn’t that just make every teacher feel

Is it too much to ask that we don’t have foreigners doing the raping Americans should be doing?

Maybe if his name was ‘al-Hasteri’

I liked the original Ghostbusters! This one looks terrible. Look, they can try to copy it but there are just some fundamental differences between male and female actors. Like in the original, the men fought ghosts. Cool, right? Well in this one, the women are just fighting their urge for chocolate. ACK! Boring. Every

Getting extra feels from this, my citizenship interview is in 1 week, probably with oath ceremony a few weeks after that! We’ve come a long way from the Ellis Island days, but I am so glad NYC honors its immigrant city history as much as it does.

And the Dalai Lama gave a speech, today, in Sacramento.

As a naturalized citizen myself, I would like to say that when I attended the formal swearing-in naturalization ceremony (along with about 1,000 other fellow Americans) I was also given one of those tiny American flags depicted in the photo, to wave about at the end.