If you actually look at the statistics, people fighting off armed intruders into their homes is exceedingly rare. You’re much better off investing in better doors and locks, and a good alarm system.
If you actually look at the statistics, people fighting off armed intruders into their homes is exceedingly rare. You’re much better off investing in better doors and locks, and a good alarm system.
Yeah gotta hate those politicians who do what their party members want. Damn Democrats wanting marriage equality, $15 minimum wage, gun control, free in state tuition at SUNY, and paid family leave shouldn’t expect their Democratic governor to do any of those things. Wouldn’t want anyone to think that Cuomo only does…
Stupid zero sum comment from a stupid person.
Story is a overrated thing anyhows.
Right now, if money isn’t a huge object, i’d go with the 1080 (else a 1060 is all right, too, which is largely on 980 Ti level of general performance but also supports simultaneous multi projection which the 980 Ti doesn’t). If money is absolutely no object at all, sure, then you can go with the 1080 Ti, but that’s…
You won’t be answered because Kristen Wong doesn’t like discussions that destroy the narrative, but you’re absolutely correct that the BLS report DID NOT take different jobs into account. The compared all lawyers or all doctors or all people. They did not break it down by specific job.
Yeah... so I checked out that link. First off... try typing in “neurologist.” No such match. Try doctor. No such match.
How much of the pay gap is an actual apples to apples comparison. Two people who are both lawyers could work in vastly different fields with different pay. If a female was drawn to the one in say a non profit organization, and the guy to a multinational firm wouldn't their pay be different? Do they account for this,…
I was over Uncharted after #2. Run, ground crumbles/falls apart under your feet/jump to grab hold of something/that something breaks, you fall/grab on to something else/climb up/shoot lots of things.
Honestly, I’d rather watch this than Rogue One.
Credit scores are but one piece of information considered when applying for a mortgage. Your Debt to Income ratio is a far more important consideration. In your scenario even if Mary had an average credit score her D/I ratio would be far above average where Joe would be screwed even if his credit score was an 850…
This smells like a publicity stunt, needlessly knocking Tesla for something that never claimed to be as capable as what Volvo is bringing to the table.
My question:
Jesus, et tu, Gawker?
That’s because it's spreading false information. http://www.bernietax.com/#0;0
Further more, they pooled Employer & Employee contributions. That’s highly misleading, since I’m not paying for that tax increase, my employer is (but now they don’t have to pay my health insurance... So some save money)... Seriously though... This isn’t a calculator, it’s a political tool.
I’m disappointed with you lifehacker. This is a biased article that over-exaggerates taxes and makes little light of any benefits gained or lost. I think this article should be taken down... http://datatitian.com/why-voxs-numbe…
Flawed logic.
I actually didn’t think Ledger’s Joker was very good. Don’t get me wrong - Ledger gave a fantastic performance. It was incredible acting. The problem was, his/Nolan’s interpretation of the character didn’t do justice to the character imo. The Joker is defined in large part by his twisted humor (especially gags like…
I know people have a lot of love for the Nolan Batman films, but in my opinion they’re some of the worst. The Dark knight is a good film, but it’s mostly due to Heath Ledger’s performance. The rest of the film is clunky, ugly, poorly edited and poorly shot. The same goes for Nolan’s other two Batman films - they go…