
That’s a fair point. I think you answered my question, who is this aimed at? People who get vanity plates.

You joke, but I was curious and looked it up, how many of these have you heard of:

So, who in their right mind is this actually aimed at? Is it Silicon Valley where so long as it’s technology driven, people will buy it? I really don’t know.

It seems to me that it doesn’t matter what the particular property is, if Disney owns it and they know it’s profitable, they will make iteration after iteration until they drive it into the ground.

$700 for the plate, plus installation costs plus a $7 per month recurring fee. Seriously, who but someone with too much money, would do this?

So you’re a hypocrite... you lambast it but you make money off it... you’re an utter joke... Haha Not a selfish asshole? So you’re just a hypocritical one...

I can only respond to what I’m given.

My response has nothing to do with reading comprehension and everything to do with the fact that you decided to engage in an argument that has nothing to do with the merits.

Jesus, it’s like you don’t understand how to have a discussion. No, that’s not what I said. Go back and re-read this thread. You’re pushing for nonsense like “76% of the population is white, so 76% of the jobs should be white.” This is a stupid, stupid, stupid thing to say, and that’s what my first point was in

Thank you for admitting you’re wrong. I appreciate you having the wherewithal to know when you’re unable to continue your argument.

We call them vertically challenged, and they’re people too.

It’s the same exact idea. If you create an arbitrary metric, those who are judged on whether they meet the metric will take the path of least resistance.

Wait, let me get this straight, in general, workers shouldn’t be compared to the general population? Well then, by that logic, then diversity shouldn’t matter at all because who cares if it’s 99.9% white, so long as it’s diversity of thought.

You realize that the percentage of whites is reflective of the general population, right? So, if anything, fire Asians from the tech industry, they’re overrepresented by about 800%.

You can’t? I’m assuming you’re older than 10 and thus lived through 2008, because that’s exactly what happened. Clinton signed into law a requirement that lenders lend to low income borrowers. Lenders took this to mean, lend to any person who walked in the door, regardless of their ability to pay.

Include stock options and benefits? I mean, that’s not exactly hard to do, the accountants know exactly what that is worth.

I’m the type of person that says hire the best, regardless of race, gender, etc. If it’s all white people, so be it. If it’s all black people, so be it. I just want the best people, not the most diverse people.

That is a horrifically bad idea. All it does is encourage the company’s executives to put pressure on management to hire any minority and as we saw in the lead up to 2008, assuming people will do the right thing versus the easy thing never works out that well.

And yet not one single account was compromised, quite literally proving his statement.