I disagree. You have to earn dignity. If you showed none in life, you deserve none in death.
I disagree. You have to earn dignity. If you showed none in life, you deserve none in death.
I don’t know, you could be fiscally conservative and not seek to do that. However, socially conservative, you’re likely right. I don’t think I could figure out a definition for socially conservative that includes equal rights for everyone. At that point, you’d be relatively liberal.
No, just until it can survive outside the womb, around 24-26 weeks, something like that. Whatever the current state of generally accepted medical science is. I’m not talking about, “we have a 10% of saving this kid.” It’s got to be a near certainty.
Well, there’s no doubt those words will come up. They will.
I don’t judge candidates on how they look. I don’t care if Warren dyes her hair. I care about policy. I care about what that person is going to try to do in office. Whether that plays with the general public, I don’t know, but I can honestly say, I don’t care.
Or, maybe we should allow a woman to control her body and the parasite within it.
Where did I say conservatives are worse than murderers? Solely by virtue of being conservative, you’re not worse than a murderer. However, if you seek to relegate 75% of the population to second class status because “that’s how it always was,” then you’re a terrible person. You just are, by 2016 standards. Sure, if…
I don’t know, I’m pretty damn liberal and I find Hillary detestable. She’s for big banks, big money, status quo and hasn’t accomplished a single thing without the help of former President Clinton (she’d have never been NY Senator or Secretary of State without riding Bill’s coattails).
You know, personal preference and opinion aside, Sanders polls the same or better than Clinton against every Republican candidate? Here’s a source on that.
Well, that’s for only certain federal crimes and is only 10 years old. Also, many states, where most crimes are tried, have various laws regarding fetal death, at least 10 of them depending on the age of the fetus. You should probably read this.
Only if the fetus is viable outside the womb... kind of like the abortion laws. What a coincidence.
Stupid Kinja.
Until Scalia, a supposed “textualist”, the 2nd Amendment had never been interpreted as such, even by those who drafted it!
Previously I was a federal district court clerk, and I’m trying to get back into it (private practice sucks, you’re punished for doing your job quickly because it’s harder to meet billables).
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
You know Hitler had a girlfriend and did some really great things too? I’m not comparing Hilter to Scalia, but it’s none the less apropos. Just because a guy does some good things, doesn’t mean the bad things can be ignored.
Yeah... they were completely his ideas, but thanks for the input.
This is how I know you’re either a) not a lawyer, or b) a terrible lawyer (aka, “I went to an ivy, I must be smart”).
Ok, no non-right wing partisan hack... better?