
That a big “if.” I’d like to not rely on the generosity of my employer. My former law firm gave us $1,400 into our HSA. The individual plan had a $1,200 deductible, so it covered that.

Yes, preventative as in, let’s go to the GP for a physical. If you’re GP finds any issue or any follow up after the physical, you’re paying for it. It may not discourage early detection, but it discourages following up.

Thank you for the reply, that’s a phenomenal recounting and helps make the decision easier.

My old law firm put in $1,400 into the HSA which basically covered the deductible (which was about $1,200 I think for an individual).

I’ve been considering lasik. I’ve worn glasses since I was 7 and contacts since I was 12. I have fairly bad vision without them in, I think the script is like -4.75 or -4.5, one of the two.

I itemize my deductions just because we exceed the standard deduction. I’m not really sure what you are saying, are you saying that you can itemize and deduct medical expenses that are less than 10% of your gross income?

Up to $2,250. But, if you don’t use that $2,250, then you will probably lose it. It’s a gamble.

Can’t deduct medical expenses until the exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income.

But, HSA’s require you to have a high deductible plan. When my wife and I were choosing our health plan for 2016, we weighed the costs. The standard PPO plan with a $20 copay and a deductible (like $1,000) that was only applicable to what amounted to emergency room visits and/or surgery was much better than the high

Your medical expenses need to exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income in order for you to take a medical expense deduction. Here’s an article about it.

FSAs are absolutely terrible. They require you to accurately predict the future or risk losing your money. Moreover, the documentation required, and the exemptions in place, ensure that you will have a difficult time actually getting your money out of the FSA.


Probably not when the delay results in speaking complete sentences before any peers. Just sayin’

Seriously, I have 2 laptops and a desktop ranging from 1 to 6 years old. All of them upgraded flawless from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. Moreover, I haven’t had a single problem from Windows 10 that couldn’t be fixed with a simple reboot. That’s not to say I encounter a lot of problems, but very

I totally agree with you. It’s different for every person. For me, paying attention in class, writing notes, and going home and doing the work assigned by the professors led me to graduate with a 3.75 from JD and 3.98 from my LLM.

Obviously, it’s not always the case. The only thing that is always the case is death.

Say what you will about it being a God of War knock-off, but the depictions of Hell were amazing. It is still one of my favorite games to play because of the level and artistic design.

But, you see the inherent problem with that statement, right?

Not Thomas Edison. He (actually, his lab techs) got the original incandescent light bulb (invented by Joseph Swan) to burn for several days, instead of hours, before the filament burnt out.

No, better because mine have thousands of data points over 21 years, instead of maybe 30 over 3 months. Got it?