Usually when it conveys a complete lack of intelligence. You’ve seriously never had questions from people that make you want to smack them?
Usually when it conveys a complete lack of intelligence. You’ve seriously never had questions from people that make you want to smack them?
It may be anecdotal, but when I see it happening over and over again with my peers, who tend to be high performers, it starts to move away from anecdote to data.
I completely disagree. Both my wife and I were “sleepers” in that we studied, we didn’t really speak in class, we did extremely well, etc....
Because doctors and lawyers graduate medical school and law school and thereafter never, ever, ever, ever, ever learn anything again?
Perhaps, but to the outside observer, which this programming teacher was, they weren’t making mistakes.
I’m not sure I agree with this conclusion. Anecdotally, for what it’s worth, when I was very young, around the time when most kids speak, I didn’t. However, not that long (maybe 6 months or so) after, I started speaking in complete sentences, whereas, my peers were stringing together a few monosyllabic words.
I’d also be remiss to point out, a $1,500/month apartment and a $1,500/month house are NEVER GOING TO BE THE SAME IN SIMILAR LOCATIONS. You’re comparing apples to oranges, a mistake (hopefully unintentional) you continually make.
So, your entire theory is predicated on the fact that if there are two identical properties, Property A and Property B, for rent, and Property A is owned (i.e., no mortgage) and Property B has a mortgage, they will charge two different prices?
To be fair, my $1,550 mortgage is actually about $1,000 mortgage and $500 in taxes per month (actually, a little under $1,000 and a little over $500).
Thanks! You should see the ridiculous analyses I did before buying our house. I was quoting my monthly mortgage rate (plus taxes), based off all the available data I could find, to the banks before they could even calculate it.
An owner of an apartment building pays taxes on the land. Because the owner isn’t letting you live there out of generosity and likely wants to make money on the ordeal, every time the taxes go up, your rent will go up. Do you think they want to make less money per month?
Renters don’t pay property taxes. Renters don’t pay for homeowner’s insurance (which is considerably more expensive than renter’s insurance). Renters don’t pay for repairs.
It seems you’ve oversimplified your analysis. Let’s take that same example of $1,500 in mortgage and $1,500 in rent.
In regard to unsolicited applications, at least in law, it is a phenomenal way to make contacts and get potential jobs.
The LIBOR has been at historic lows for about the past 7 or 8 years, it likely won’t stay at that rate and will probably increase. The LIBOR is the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (actually, there was a giant scandal regarding LIBOR rate manipulation just recently) and is the rate that banks loan money to one another.…
Not necessarily. If you’re financially stable and can pay it off in a short time horizon (3-5 years), a variable interest rate is fine.
Yes lentil soup, total junk food. Yep, home made bread, total junk food. Completely right, meatloaf, absolute junk food.
So... you’re argument is, someone who was once poor and still maintains contact with my poor friends has no experiential knowledge worth sharing?
I think I see your issue. You’re assuming, if you’re unemployed for a year, you won’t have any income after you burn through your savings.
No, do not ever do something like that! All your doing is digging a deeper hole you’ll have to work that much harder to get out of in the future.