congressional lemon party

My daughter has had some trouble with her pediatrician (that we’re going to change). She’s 11 years old and has been suffering extreme anxiety and panic attacks (just like her mama...yes I feel guilty).

We also shouldn’t have to live in the world where boys are brought up believing ‘If she doesn’t want to, push harder’ and girls are arm-twisted into ‘being nice.’

And also- everyone has been rejected at some point in their life. Coping with rejection is an essential life skill. It makes me crazy to hear the same conservatives who rail about participation trophies and entitlement turn around and act like it’s understandable to murder someone for saying “no” to you!

If I see one more article using the words “romantic” or “spurned” and implicitly laying this girl’s death and others at her feet for making the shooter do this, I will set something on fire. Conservatives are all over this, with their “if she had just been nice to him!” schtick that does nothing but harm women and

I remember a while back, reading here in the comments post after post about Batali being a lecherous creep who hit on nearly every woman he came across. He was gross creepy touchy feely on TV about a million times. I couldn’t watch him interact with guests on The Chew. It was always yucky. He appears to think that he

I, personally, can’t wait for the starred NYT review of Babbo Behind Bars, an exclusive pop-up stocked only with prison commissary items, and the smash hit restaurant of summer 2019.

He should’ve been arrested on the basis of that recipe alone. Cheap pizza dough does not belong in cinnamon rolls.

My thoughts exactly. And what’s with this:

Listen, he already gave us his best cinnamon bun recipe, not sure the NYPD needed to get involved.

hello I would like to take this opportunity to once again say BRING BACK MILLIHELEN thank you