congressional lemon party

Yikes. Those are guys I avoided like the plague in college. That is the standard frat douche bro haircut that has survived for generations. Any time I came across one at a party I would eventually get some variation “Wow, you’re so hot/smart, not ghetto like most black girls...” like that would send me falling into

Let us observe a moment of silence for those ‘Bama boys who want lush bangs but just haven’t got the follicles. Here is Roy Moore defender Brandon ‘Dank’ Moseley:

The one in the bottom left corner is Moe with a goatee.

It was slightly better when he won American Idol.

This reminds me of a visit to Target. They put very tall, top-heavy trash cans on top shelf. When I went to grab it, it crashed down on face. Blood running down my face, I go to the front for a band-aid. The Target workers were so fucking horrible. “Why the fuck would we have Band-Aids? You fucking bastard.”, is how

Better, and although not more romantic, it would make their relationship way more believable.

When we fart under covers, there is NO laughing. Lots of cursing though.

My quick read/scan, I initially thought that’s what it said, and I had to go back and was very disappointed.

I thought the same.

Jesus Christmas.... that’s even MORE sociopathic shit than the lawmakers!

This little story line charmed the shit out of me, so much so that I now have a stuffed seal that looks a little like this one. When Big Bud put the pacifier in its mouth I lost my mind at how adorable it was.

Yep, women are only allowed to do the sex if it serves male needs.

You’re saying children can consent to a gang bang?

I am so hearing this. A shimmeringly perfect-world mommy-blogger I know is one of the craziest psychos I’ve ever met.

Yeah, I used to have board games nights when I used to live in another town. Every six weeks or so, and 6-10 people would come over and we would play games all day and it was a lot of fun.

I went to a “bring your own meat” bbq the other year and it turns out I was literally the only person who brought any. Then I heard a couple of snide comments (not from my friends) about how I hadn’t brought enough for everyone (everyone else literally just brought a $4 salsa or something). I just about flipped the

Ya know - this! I basically quit FB a few years ago. Not some big “I’m deleting my account” digital flounce. I just stopped using it and told people “I don’t really look at FB... so not a reliable conduit to me if you want my attention.” There were a few things that led to me landing on no-FB. One definitely was


I needed this article today SO BADLY.

I just... don’t get it. Does Jared hold a patent on the $5 Combo Deal or something? What is the point of trying to go to bat for this guy? What does he bring to the business that is so vital that you’d risk covering up a crime so universally abhorrent and repulsive?