congressional lemon party

I am a gay man. When I was in college I had one-night stand with a fellow collegian.

I’m confused- if semen is so great for women, why are chodes like this always telling us to keep our legs closed?

If people have the technology to video-monitor their front doors 24/7 to make sure that their Amazon order isn’t stolen, these facilities should be expected to monitor their most vulnerable patients for their safety.

I never met anyone else who got fly-swatted. My parents deny it happened but I remember it clear as day. I got the belt often as well. Most often was the hand. I was slapped, hit, kicked, pressed onto the bed, pushed into walls, had shoes thrown at my head. I had my hair pulled often. I was abused - not spanked by

This is also my experience. My parents spanked me and hit me and I have nothing to do with them. Repairing myself has been a journey. They also bragged that they were hit as children and turned out fine. If parents can’t figure out how to parent without violence then they shouldn’t be allowed to keep their children. 

My only defense was humor. It’s affected my adult relationships in some aspects but it was a respite from the anxiety of home-life. 

Sometimes I wonder what I could’ve been if my fucking family hadn’t gotten to me first.

Same. And it really messed me up.

As a victim of childhood physical discipline, I can guaran-fucking-tee you it has fucked me up my entire life. 

Personally, I was surprised by how many commenters on previous coverage here didn’t seem to get this. To me, Knightley in no way seemed to be criticizing Kate, and I could not see how people made the leap to come to the conclusion that she was. My interpretation of her essay was, and continues to be, that society’s

take your star you magnificent bastard

I 💚your username.

Pretty rich coming from Camilla.

And despite his education, Charles is still pretty dim himself...

You don’t have to be smart to be born into the royal family either.

But they do have the correct amount of sociopathy.

well in’nt thayt speyshil?!

Christ.  I used to tell guys all the time “Dude, this is C-League coed city ball, chill the fuck out because you are embarrassing your teammates”.

I don’t know, but I glad of it, because these gun rights fools are infamous for having the worst gun discipline imaginable and accidentally discharging their various guns (thinly veiled jerkin’-off allusion there).

As far as we know, none of the Kardashians knowingly dated child molesters that raped their own kids. And they’re not endangering anyone, as opposed to June, who’s totally cool with letting her kids get pregnant at 15, but not before they balloon up to 250 lbs (even with a stable reality paycheck that could help them