or the 30 (and counting) others who starred it... BTW, You used “Your” correctly (that time), you’re welcome.
My family has some Irish Twins, fuck you very much.
Never heard of Irish twins, eh?
That was my takeaway from the article too. Who checks to ensure that girls get their periods?? Where did she get the squirrel blood? I’m choking
damn! that’s some hair!
Diana and her brother called her Acid Raine because they hated her so much.
Whoops. I stand corrected!
Please take a star. Those comments are dismissive and unnecessary. Bodies are weird and people have medical issues that you don’t expect or understand.
Cosigned, as someone who became a (now-recovered) alcoholic due to self-medicating my untreated depression. Most people who suffer from substance abuse have a co-occurring mental illness.
My stomach just flipped over. How goddamn tragic for everyone concerned. I suffer from major clinical depression and have attempted suicide twice, once by hanging. The pain I felt was this weird combination of numbness and agony....just unendurable. I hate that this happened to two talented, young men but I do…
My $0.02 for when you open this franchise: THOTS and Thick Burgers has a nicer flow to it.
God, can you imagine her sending kale to Flint?
An actual line from goop: “If you’re plagued by issues like parasites or heavy metals, you might need a bit more than a standard clean eating protocol. Below, some advice on working through more complex problems.”
What little I know about the band: formed in Tallassee, AL in the 60s-70s (?), performed around the south east, recorded in Muscle Shoals, AL , and performed for local TV. Not sure how long they lasted. My mom has a 45 of them that I’ve heard, it’s pretty good (classic rock).