congressional lemon party

Also from the South. I usually don’t ask ppl to bring anything or do anything but show up. Some will bring booze, if anything, or pretzels that go unopened (always with the FN pretzels!).

That bothers me: my spouse and I are some of the only ppl we know who will host anything, we invite ppl, make food, have booze, spend $, etc. and ppl are so non-committal and rarely if ever return the invite. They RSVP and bail or show up late and leave early (or make other plans on the same day after they RSVP’d to

Well I can tell you truthfully that the ppl I know IRL on social media that post the most perfect happy fun “look at me and my perfect life” pics are the most miserable ppl I know IRL (friends and fam included). Their real lives are nothing like their social media lives. So buck up!

swarmed with women

As a mother it terrifies me that my child could become a victim of some disgusting pervert

Makes you wonder if the one’s doing the cover up aren’t pedo’s themselves...

Mills reported that the CEO Moody told her: “Please don’t tell me anymore. Don’t worry, he has met someone. She is a teacher and he seems to love her very much, and we think she will keep him grounded.”

Kate Moss also said “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”

this is my favorite part of this story. Well played Montia.

aw wittle baby must be feewing equality oppression

he would prob appreciate the comparison is all...

He loved wearing women’s panties:

perhaps if women were allowed to be more visible in the sporting arenas, more women would be interested and involved in sports. 1 female announcer on a panel does not equal half, calm the fuck down.

lol going after Jane ‘s weave when Dolly Parton has a wig, clown make up, vegas tacky clothes not to mention the plastic surgeries (and those weird gloves)

lol going after Jane‘s weave when Dolly Parton has a wig, clown make up, vegas tacky clothes not to mention the plastic surgeries (and those weird gloves)

“ It’s a marked contrast to his adoptive parents, both of whom understood that their son needed a different life from the one he was living in Lafayette. They were initially reluctant to send him to beauty school—not because they didn’t want him to go, but because they were worried that a beauty school in 1970s

or the 30 (and counting) others who starred it... BTW, You used “Your” correctly (that time), you’re welcome.

My family has some Irish Twins, fuck you very much.