congressional lemon party

I wish I could...

I’m in my mid-30s have been recently diagnosed with anxiety (but have dealt with it my entire life on my own). I started having weird health issues (legit), lots of dr. visits, tests (diagnosed physical issues), ER visits. I was spiraling, the anxiety was feeding itself, the health issues were feeding the anxiety.

I recently read an interview with a divorce attorney who said untreated mental illness is more taxing on a relationship than an affair (that can be forgiven, but someone not dealing with their mental illness is a deal breaker).

so basically it was ripping off All in the Family

to quote Maya Angelo, “when someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

I love Chappelle, but Trump proved that he’s a wildly inconsistent, bizarre, childish man with impulse control issues before he was elected.

There are people who would day after the fact “what did she do to make him so angry that he would do this to her?” blaming her for her death/abuse. A teenage girl at a bus stop was attacked by her ex-fb wielding a machete and the comments in the news post said that exact thing...

The pink triangle around her facein the trailer maybe indicating she just ate some puss?

all the friends and family in their home country that will never visit them

She was also side lined from TV cause she has a face for radio...

wood floors are allowed, wood furniture, and most homes are constructed of wood...almost anything in a home could be flammable.

the modeling agencies will easily be able to skirt around this by hiring staff doctors to issue “health” certificates for their models.

the fuck?

shiplap is the new board and batten, beadboard, paneling. etc. overused by these hacks.

I use a big University teaching and research hospital/medical practice and all docs there use last names. The only “docs” I know that use first names are the quack supplement shilling chiros and naturopaths my sister goes to.

LOL their kids - you know they are never around those brats (they hire some nanny maid to deal with them while they are off “remodeling” which you know some other lowly HGTV lackeys are doing all the real work). I love when they show them “spending family time together” right before they take off to the site or

I think I saw that episode LOL