congressional lemon party

thanks - a lot of thought went into it ;) wonder why I’m never verified... /s

shiplap is soon to be (if not already) the new paneling that people will be ripping out and dry walling in the next 5-10 years...

definitely getting “cult leader” vibes

Male Vitality is apparently something many males are lacking

My sister is anti-vax and ascribes to these methods also: chiro for the 2yo, essential oils for every ill, goes to actual doctors only to deride them for prescribing common medical remedies (for her kid’s allergies, etc.). Doesn’t believe in therapy or meds for emotional/mental issues (which is what she really needs

Dr. Jessica (never a last name)

if you google “1960s hair” you’ll def see variations of this hot mess

kids were talking shit in preschool (daycare)

He also admitted that babies are parasites - especially the ones who need welfare/SNAP/WIC/free and reduced lunch/medicaid, etc.

I’ll take center over our right wing nutjobs!

The 2nd amendment folks voted for this, so who do you think they’ll be pointing their guns at? Probably people who oppose their “dear leader” rather than the tyrannical government they claim to say they’ll defend against, the very tyrannical government they just voted into power.

“Donald Trump wants to bring jobs back so we don’t have soup kitchens.”

I thought he ordered her from a mail order catalog and had her shipped over.

No judgement, just... it would get real gay real fast.

“the better the manager needs to be at managing”

“that doesn’t necessarily indict them as bad managers, only as bad front line workers. One need not understand a technology to effectively aquire and manage those who do.”

Philip Anschutz Is counting on people not caring enough to know how he intends to spend their money