congressional lemon party

the boy looks like a Middleton and the girl looks like a Windsor (emphasis on the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha genes).

for MJW to pose this question without yet acknowledging Cosby’s multitude of (alleged) crimes is telling. i mean, i get it, this situation is hitting him and the entire cast in the wallet. so really, their beef should be with the man, the serial rapist, who caused their show to be pulled off the air.

and local politics are arguably MORE important and impactful to our everyday lives!

i am from the south and never heard the phrase uttered. my experience living and growing up there was much more direct “fuck yous” in conversation.

If Rosie O’Donnel is a fat disgusting pig what does that make me?

i’ve seen male nipples that look like they could feed babies

i’ve seen plenty of moobs and male nipples that are as “indecent” if not more so than female breasts and nipples (definitely grosser), but there are no laws against those.

lemme guess, moobs are still ok?

Well of course it depends on what the issue is at hand, in which case I say pick your battles.

Probably done purposely for mass appeal/sales and therefore more money for the trans community

I’m a mid 30s woman (senior level mid career) and my female peers think it’s potentially job ending for me to speak out about issues at work (i have and it wasn’t).

she upgraded from Scott Foley to Affleck, so maybe she seems him as the “great catch” the couldn’t hold onto... I don’t like uber douche Affleck, but i find her to be just as gratingly annoying.

yeah because you can’t reshape or color your brows or anything like that.

his eyes might not work, but his one eyed monster seems to be doing just fine (sucka has 9 kids!)

i was (mostly) kidding, but thanks for ‘splainin’.

famous last words...

crack rock?

garbage like this always lives forever