congressional lemon party

maybe cause the plastic is made from millions year old fossils (fuels) it makes it ok?

i wonder if they wear plastic is they walk by or in cemeteries?

yep, everyone, kids at school, dentists, all thought i smoked cause i smelled of smoke (i was nose blind to the smell and didn’t realize until later that i think i was shunned and/or caught a lot of shit off kids at school (and probably some teachers) cause they thought i was a “bad” smoker). thanks mom and dad!

yeah, mom is petite and slim so the smoking is the #1 issue (bad diet and sedentary lifestyle, also).

wow - i think my mom has 1 stent. she is 57 and has tried going cold turkey and patches, i think the longest she went was 3 weeks without smoking after her initial heart episode/blockage, but has been a steady smoker since. if her own health issues and my dad’s death didn’t spook her i guess nothing will. i think a

i never touched a cigarette until my 20s (i had enough in utero and 2nd hand smoke that i never needed to smoke till i moved out of the house and picked it up out of boredom). i still have the occasional smoke (few times/year), but never really got addicted.

my parents were the same, constant chain smoking in the house in every room WHILE using the bathroom (on the toilet - if they could’ve showered while smoking they would’ve). there was always a lit cigarette, sometimes burning through the counter tops...

growing up my parents chain smoked (indoors, cars, inside at work) (multiple packs/day) and we used to always have to sit in the smoking section of restaurants cause they couldn’t get through a dinner without a smoke.

Doctors shilling tobacco (ads):

doctors used to prescribe cigarettes for a cough!

I don’t support the reasoning for this bill, but if a bill like this is put up to vote, the rationale should be more along the likes of paternity accountability and responsibility to the mother and child (enforce child/financial support, etc.). single mothers are held accountable and demonized, as this bill shows -

pest control for bed bugs? LOL good luck - better off setting the motha fucka on fire.

yes, she was wrong, she was fired for her inappropriate actions.

They have the right to protest and the media (especially student media) has the right (and obligation) to report what’s going on on campus - media and exposure would seem to more beneficial to their cause and had their cause been ignored by media I’m sure someone would equally have a problem with that. The only “safe

It's obvious that Oprah likes bread A LOT

WW and jenny craig countinuously hiring famous and famously failed yo yo fad dieters to shill their shit is a strange sales tactic

i recall a tyrannical bitch boss using the sentiment in so many words after someone (and several others) had abruptly quit their federal contractor jobs. she said “DC is a small town, this will get around so don’t anyone else get any ideas”. so basically threatened the rest of the team when the others had quit.

how could anyone look at that guy and NOT think “jimmy’ll fix it” wasn’t a creep?

the media is too “stating facts [about encryption use] plain and simple”.

Millennials may suck, but so does the generation that bred and raised them to be the entitled assholes they are.