congressional lemon party

i’m just gonna call this troll level #pullingaDassey

Women’s BRAINS aren’t weaker, your argument, or lack of one, has failed. Your brain, on the other hand, is lacking immensely - you’re right up there with Brendan Dassey. It’s clear that you have contributed little to none to your gender - I’m sure you mother is proud of how you discuss your thoughts about women on the

some places have those “family restrooms” nowadays

this is totes some teenage basement dwelling virgin troll

it only stands to reason that the more brain power included/allowed to participate, the farther we’ll go as a species - limiting it to only half the population’s potential is unfortunate and inefficient. so you tell me why this has been the standard, other than a desire to wield power, dominance, and control over

i wonder why that is - perhaps it has something to do with women not being allowed to participate in much of the education, careers, and history making pursuits for quite a long time (being marked as inferior to men as they were/are) and when they do, get erased in the history books by male writers...

my HS marching band played the Macy’s TG parade and we went to see Phantom - great show!

as someone else stated, use your legs

i coxed/rowed crew, briefly, at university - i rarely, if ever, go near a concept II these days if i can help it.

she is free and able to make garbage TV as much as her white counterparts

double post /sry

yeah, just what we need, more men (or boys in this case) protesting against women’s rights.

It’s not illegal in many places, but not many people, including cops, know the laws, and will arrest or at the very least harass topless women. But men can go topless/shirtless with no issues.

not arrested, but harassed and often escorted off premises or told to leave/cover up (for breastfeeding in public).

He would def be in favor of setting up a journalist registry

What about this dumb fuck in flip flops and man bun

A narcissist said something insensitive - here’s my shocked face

always find the comments that southern drivers in NC can’t drive in snow/ice funny considering that I don’t know very many southerners here - but there are a whole lotta northerners (also funny that anyone thinks they can safely drive on ice)