
Only thing I would say about PoC in the TV series is that most of the characters (apart from Dario) have followed the descriptions in the book. Martin does have people of various races and cultures but most of them are outside of Westeros. For the TV producers it isn't just that Westeros is based on North Western

30 or even 20 years ago you might have had a point. But if it happened every time an opposing player got on the field the world would have run out of bananas by now. Most teams in the top leagues in the UK have a significant number of black players and when they do hear or see racism at a game it makes headline news

I think I found where you are going wrong..."We are for sure a first world country". For the majority of the population education, health care, and the role of government in managing the excesses of the powerful in the interests of the general populace the US is competing with the third world.

"There are two types of people in this world, those that do things, and those that complain about doing things."

In which countries. The difference between US and UK, Australia, Canada or Denmark is less than 1%. Germany, New Zealand and Norway all have better unemployment rates than the US and have the "freebies" you refer to. The US and UK governments believe that you need a sizeable unemployed group in order to keep the

Sorry - just come back to Jezebel. The point was there is no paper trail, you just made stuff up. And despite repeated requests you consistently failed to provide the paper trail you claimed you had.

Still unable to show the financial link between him and the plantation owners?

No goal posts were moved.

Well I can find one reference to a daily mail article that goes as far back as his great grand father. You were going to show me exactly what proportion of his current wealth came from a single relative 7 generations back, not the other 128 ancestors from the same generation, and you said it would be easy. As well

Go on then. You are stating there was an inheritance, presumably you have something to back that up, so provide me with the details. I haven't been able to find them.

Grandmother? So not a Cumberbatch then?

What money did he inherit? Both his parents are still alive so he hasn't - you must mean his father. How much did his father inherit? To the nearest penny.

He didnt inherit his wealth. He worked for it. Like his parents.

Presumably we would also line up all Americans since their current standard of living and the wealth of the US is based entirely on exploitation of the populations of third world nations and China? Of course all of the commenters here regardless of skin colour could actually do something productive about that but it

Except that his great-great-great-great grandfather blew it all on gambling and drink but his grandson restored some of the family wealth by marrying into a monied family and conducting none slave related business. So you could deny that the latest generation was able to go to school because his family once owned

I was thinking Roose Bolton.

He'll be ok. Apparently has no intention of going into acting. Its fun while he is completing his education.

TBH from what I've read the Swedes and their government are pretty much the only people who were involved who come out looking like the good guys. Everyone else was out to use or screw everyone for their own benefit.

Actually Sweden did a lot more to help the allies than they did the Germans. They also did a hell of a lot more to help the victims of fascism escape occupied Europe than either the UK or the USA. Lets face it the allies didn't give a toss about the Roma, Jews, slavs, political opponents etc who were being rounded

That was some time ago. Move on.