Perhaps an article like that is beyond Joan’s abilities...
Perhaps an article like that is beyond Joan’s abilities...
100% thought you were talking about Cambell!
JFC let’s not make perfect the enemy of good, shall we?
But isn’t Shia known as difficult and kind of an asshole?
Omg, hilarious and ACCURATE!
I shouted ‘you were at my wedding Denise’ at some lady who cut me off in traffic the other day and it was both strangely calming/satisfying and made me laugh for the next several minutes!
Exactly why i’ve started using ‘forced-birth’ to replace ‘pro-life’!
June 4 and June 10 are NOT IN THE SAME GD WEEK.
Which one?
Totally on-brand though, no? Andy Cohen is a shit human.
He was not acting, as he cannot act!
Really? Is there anyone who doesn’t know that Sarah Slanders’s brother killed a dog for fun?
THANK YOU! Came here for this!
Says the crazy person who can’t stop posting about this...
You seem nice... Might i suggest a cup of decaf?
Not to diminish her work on...Return to Lonesome Dove or anything but she hadn’t even made Fear at that point!
Found a bra from VS i liked well enough a couple of years ago and bought five more online when they were having a sale. One fell apart after one washing (cold, delicate cycle in a mesh bag) before i even wore it, two more fell apart on the first wearing and all five got returned. Who has time for that crap?!