
Things you’d rather not be doing but will because someone you care about has asked you to do so. Now, the key difference is that the events you choose to attend are not in service to an outdated social contract, but to the people in your life who matter.

Yeah sure, but the problem with those models is twofold.

Of course this is always a problem with police killing statistics. They are poorly tracked and vetted.

Yeah and with revenues being crushed by COVID, it’s harder to lean on owners from a PR perspective. NBA owners may have a lot of wealth, but for a decent number of them a good percentage of that wealth is not necessarily liquid, it is tied up in the value of the franchise and dependent upon revenue levels consistent

Why can’t I forgive myself?

Whether that would be effective or not, who can really say, but it would definitely be unconstitutional.

what happened to reading books that cover major historic events?

It’s also about who their fanbase is. The NBA’s fanbase is blacker than other major professional sports.

Biden may not be a solution, but what President could ever be in a country like America?

Just a small reminder that most folks police kill in America are white so narratives about “systemic racism” only have limited explanatory power for the overall level of police homicides in America. That is to say “Systemic Racism” is real, but “Systemic Racism” isn’t really a complete definition of why there is so

*Rolls eyes

What purpose would ending the livelihood of everyone working in that entertainment industry accomplish?

I regularly deal with thousands of real estate valuations on thousands of properties, and while you might get some variance between two appraisals done one day after the other, this much is a major outlier. Across a large segment of properties, I’d expect this kind of variance to crop up less than half a percent of

Banks are not allowed to use automated valuation models to make real-estate loans this big.

This is a great example of how guild-like groups can enable racists, and also a great example for us that the simplest way to deal with discrimination is to find the white guy who’s going to lose money if a racist act goes uncorrected. Unsatisfying as hell, but a win is a win.

Even if we stipulate your example is on the nose (it’s not, but I’ll humor you because you are clearly a dimwit) who is doing that censorship?

Well sure but that would require most people in third parties to actually believe in the system. Problem is most of them don’t. If they could blow it all away and start over, most of them are arrogant enough to think they could put it back together better in some way that would magically result in democratic processes

A part of it is the power of labels. Many smaller parties do in fact work in lots of smaller races, but what they typically do is try to win a Democratic primary rather than run as a true 3rd party because it’s easier to win a primary against a Democrat in a very liberal D+50 district than it is to win the general

Did you read the whole Senate report or cherry pick specific sections?  Because the whole Senate report makes it pretty clear that the collusion that may have existed stopped well short of Donald Trump being a captive Russian asset as a result of blackmail and/or money.  

Naw, because there are plenty of people, even people who are not white, straight, cisgendered people, who still have no issues with shows like The Office. They just aren’t loud mouthed buffoons who dominate prominent public places like Twitter.