I quarantined completely alone for like three months. Other than a couple of walks with nearby friends who were also quarantining alone, I had like zero social interaction from mid-March to early May and I didn’t really expand much beyond that until July. I literally forgot how to socialize. I don’t think this is good…
There’s a word for that! It’s called apophasis.
Anyone who had to advocate for her own birthday cake flavor against the wishes of everyone else....
Trump: “So if Susie’s dead, why are we pardoning her?”
Didn’t work out for Jackie O either
For me, progressive disability forced me to confront the ideas of “manliness” I was carrying around.
When will Kinja have the much overdue feature to actually block/remove/offer support teams to moderate discussions when a wild stalker appears?
Castro is way scarier in Florida, particularly with the Cuban vote, then Trump will ever be. No politician of either party would skip playing that card if their political opponent is going to straight up praise Castro.
I’m glad you mentioned this. I’m so tired of people using militant rhetoric like “the time for talking is over” with nothing to back it up. I’m a pretty non-revolutionary person by nature, so I’m not advocating throwing up the barricades, but I can’t help but be skeptical of people whose rhetoric seems to demand a…
It’s a severe case of those gross gays being gay in public and I don’t like it.
To give Cannon night sweats? Totally worth it.
Yep, once the Rothchild name pops up, you know where the story is going.
Good thing they won’t need Bill, I heard he got hung up on another project.
Shitty restaurant that no one has ever heard of before: “It’s a shame this is happening. Think about all those chefs/staff being laid off!”
He tells you to kill yourself but won’t deny he molests children. Keep your distance.
That’s the thing most people don’t get about fantasy—fantasies may be a way to enjoy and process our desires, but it does not make them okay to play out in the real world.