
You do see where a tide has turned and HR departments are becoming more and more [like] advocates for employees, but where I live in the heartland, that is not happening [here].

in a world without police, Black women are particularly vulnerable. It’s a reasonable concern given that more than 40 percent of Black women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. When Black women are in critical danger, there needs to be someone who will intervene. The problem, of course, is that with

Everything you said was on point and then you said this:

I guess, to be clear, white people don’t really gather in large groups at stone mountain to fondly reminisce about the Confederacy.

Cruise’s batty beliefs and unwillingness to be honest about Miscavige are bad, but they aren’t “abusive substance abuser with major anger issues” type of bad. Are there some sort of abuse allegations out there I’m not aware of with him or something?

That’s just the sort of attention to detail that the PRC needs from you! 

This sort of sentiment is always around these types of gatherings that are more common than you might think down here in heavily black areas (black guy from the rural Deep South here who has attended them). Though admittedly this the largest i’ve ever heard of. I bet i know some of these dingalings (and they are

I could have understood some version of it in the pre-panemic world where we weren’t sitting around our houses with nothing to do and the economy was roaring so people would pay for all kinds of subscriptions to try new things and investors were willing to take flyers on every sort of tech idea under the sun.

Because I am glib and terrible, my first thought was that their corporate parent must have been getting them from the Xinjian province.  I’m sure there are plenty of them that just happen to be lying around.

Yes, that’s true, but there are a few things that have been asked, and not yet answered, that will clarify things a bit. Did the guy own the gun? If he’s not the registered owner, had it previously been reported stolen or would the registered owner admit to selling it in an unregistered transaction.

It’s not something I myself was ever inculcated in thankfully, but black gospel music is it’s own unique thing and is an integral part of a very large part of our history for a very long time.  Black folks took those stories and made them a part of their pursuit of freedom.  It’s heavily intertwined with the black

I’m assuming that “waiting on her hand and foot” means that he’s going to be the one placing the Grubhub orders for the next few weeks.

because time doesn’t exist in 2020.

Sometimes I wonder if Manuel-Miranda not been sitting here this whole time, with his tongue firmly lodged in his cheek, secretly laughing at the fact that he’s turned a bunch of renters into superfans for Hamilton.


And if they don’t do that, I recommend you be annoying right back at the super fan in a few different ways.

He was just being a white man the same as the one who arrested Gates in 2009.

My only piece of advice is to NOT watch it with a Hamilton superfan. It’s a masterpiece deserving of all the praised heaped on it, but some of it’s fans are ... yikes.

A few thoughts.

Big supporter of a lot of the concepts and proposals that have flowed out of #defundthepolice, definitely a big fan of not getting pulled over multiple times a year under extremely dubious pretenses and constantly running the risk that some overzealous fascist is going to shoot me.