the guy with the cat

My favorite story is how he reacted in Dustin Hoffman ditching The Producers in favor of The Graduate, playing someone having an affair with Brooks’ own wife: “Good choice.”

There was an article recently on one of AVClub’s sister sites, Lifehacker, about “classic movies that don’t hold up” and I couldn’t believe that one opinion that got a lot of likes and agreement was that Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles aren’t very funny. I realize that taste, particularly in comedy, is

I have been a huge fan since the 1970s. I remember seeing Spaceballs in the theater with a bunch of other nerds and only we laughed at the Kafka joke.

Filed under most obvious article titles ever.

“I don’t walk around as Blade, so I’m not attached to the character like that.”

She eats clay because she thinks it’s a good idea and also thought it was a good idea to say that she eats clay out loud to other human beings.

I knew she was kinda weird and dumb, but now I know she’s a complete dipshit asshole! Thanks, Shailene!

Doesn’t feel like it’s been that long.  Maybe it’s the one note nature of their threat, that make them feel a bit tired.   

I had completely forgotten about the Division, and if I hadn’t read this recap, would have had no idea it tied into anything.  Was there something in the episode to remind people?  Honestly, I fell asleep at some point.  All the nonsense became like a white noise machine.

Colin Robinson would be better, because at least he’d throw in a few updog jokes to make it watchable. 

I’m glad I caught you at home. We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.

You sound like a real hoot.

Brodude, some people strive to be better than a bottom of the barrel assdouche and do like to be helped when it comes to things they do and don’t think too much of that could offend people.

If you don’t link those articles, guess what ? You don’t have to fucking read them. You can keep on

Did this article offend you?

This just ain't so, Mike. It might have been the original sentiment, but like calling someone "Karen" it's become an ageist way of telling someone to shut up.

I currently work part-time at a grocery store, and we offer help to anyone who has a lot of bags and/or very heavy or cumbersome items. You’re probably just more sensitive to it now, lol.

It surely depends on the store, but when I worked at Safeway in 2011-12 we were supposed to offer carryout service to every customer instead of trying to judge who might need it.

Relatable. I’m a 74 yr old creative who builds his computers and codes for bleeding edge audio and visual artworks. The only thing keeping me from being a full member of the 21st century is poverty, not age.

Apparently the organizers were expecting an actual “dialogue,” but one of the other speakers and some activists went rogue. That could have been easily anticipated, but it wasn’t what the organizers were going for. This wasn’t intended as a trap for him to step into. 

lol yes that is the joke

Black beans. But all beans are fabulous. I write this knowing that many will disagree because “OMG all of those carbs!!!”