the guy with the cat

did it capture the unexpected booster thrust live?

Yeah, that’s a bit beyond the ability of the CMGs in the Z1 truss to yank it back. Giz does have an article up about it now, FYI.

Oh that’s nothing. The Russian module just randomly started firing its thrusters, rolling the station 45 degrees. they then started firing the resupply thrusters on the other side of the station essentially playing tug of war with a fucking SPACE STATION!!!!! Gizmodo, where are our updates at, this is an EXTREME space

I strongly feel that they need a fresh perspective. Bring in someone from the outside, preferably someone who can’t go on and on about how they’ve been a massive fan of the show since they were a fetus and had posters of Tom Baker on their walls, every Target novelization, bootleg tapes of every episode since Pertwee,

I’d been talked into watching Loki (The last MCU outing I’ve watched was Ant-Man in 2015) by the reviews comparing it favorably to nuWho, and I couldn’t help but feel as if Sophia’s Loki were deliberately made as their writers’ proverbial ‘Take That’ to the relative unambition of Jodie’s run as The Doctor.

I’ve enjoyed this run, but not as much as others. The time lord cybermen was outright laughable... and disappointing I was kind of looking forward to a time where the modern doctor had the ability to go to gallifrey

 I can only speak for myself, but I’m certainly not thrilled with how Chibnall is running the show.


Anyone else feel the the show could do with an extended hiatus? I haven’t hated the Chibnall/Whitaker era, but I haven’t felt as excited about it as I used to, and less inclined to rewatch episodes. And I can’t remember the last time we had a standout praiseworthy story on the level of “The Empty Child/The Doctor

Holy crap this is a trash click bait headline with absolutely no connection to the attached article. The article itself isn’t all that great either. Yeah, the Queen IS probably trying to protect her own private property, that she totally has the right to manage as she see’s fit. If Scotland has achieved 97% renewable

“Through an what the Guardian called an “arcane parliamentary mechanism” allowing the Queen to take a look at legislation before its introduced.”

Gizmodo must really hate its readers or at least thinks they are idiots. Fucking disrespectful.

Seriously, this headline needs to die in an electrical fire. Who okayed this?

This is a bad article. The headline is wrong, the premise is wrong. It’s trying to say the Queen hates her great grandson and all children is fighting against the fight against climate changes.

We have a good candidate for worst Gizmodo headline of the year.

I’m sorry but this headline was real click bait. This doesn’t relate to them at all. 

My local Home Depot (SoCal) always had a little hut out front serving food. Think taco truck, but with a permanent location. Although sometimes there’s a food truck parked there too. I’m guessing it’s for the laborers to grab a quick meal while picking up supplies.

The ones ive seen in texas are just ny style hot dog carts near the entrance. One guys cart even had a built in grill so you could get a nice grilled dog or bratwurst

I hate that one of my favorite places on the internet is staffed by some of the most amazing people on earth while being administrated by some of the worst. Good luck out there, and keep being your amazing self. I’ll read anything you write, anywhere you write it.

I’m sad. I’ve always liked Beth since the Shark Jumping days, even when I disagreed with her. Goodbye Beth!