the guy with the cat

Meaning she lives in Piedmont or Temescal and spends all her time bitching about how ‘those people’ from the ‘not so nice’ parts of Oakland are ruining everything.

I love the hypocrisy of these racists saying two women kissing in front of their children is unacceptable, and yet screaming obscenities and getting kicked out of a pool in front of said-children is a-ok. “Mommy screams at women of color so you don’t have to see them kiss!” Toodaloo, Karen!

Sometimes screaming is healthy lol. I’ve definitely done some “I’m very fucking annoyed right now” solo screaming when alone in my house/car and it makes me feel better. Guy probably just didn’t realize how far the sound would carry.

So, while it might look funny, that guy is probably stressed to the absolute max.

Noooo! I hate that so much. It really sucks to do all that work and to be looking forward to something... and feeling hungry, only to have an unfortunate kitchen disaster occur. But at least you know you’ll never do that again. ;)

If sodium is a special concern, you could cut back on the additional salt when you’re also adding baking soda. You might want to anyway, since baking soda is so salty, even in small amounts.

I heard about this trick for “tenderizing meat” and tried it on some beef I was intending for Thai stir fry. It ended up tasting awful. I couldn’t tell you why for sure, but I have to wonder if it has to do with the lime juice I put in at the end. I’ve heard about the baking soda trick from various different

This is off topic slightly, but ATK is off-the-charts better without Chris Kimball

I just needed to say that

If the metadata contains both the GPS coordinates and the device rotation, how hard could it be to target a cruise missile to anyone who takes video in portrait orientation?

GOP: “Capitalism is the way!”

heh Yeah, her first episode isn’t all that great. Definitely not as strong a first outing as Smith’s. Her first season is probably more uneven than not, looking back at the episode list. Some, like Kerblam I thought weren’t that well done but then others like Demons of the Punjab were pretty great. Resolution is

God, Nolan, Jesus Diaz, bunch of self-righteous douchebags.

What else could you call this but ..

Don’t forget Tony Chen with the stolen iPhone prototype.

Agreed. I’ve been a Jalopnik reader for a decade, and the trash that used to permeate Gawker was disgraceful.

Hot damn.  His infectiously enthusiastic and yet caustic Time Lord was missed.  I am very glad that he is in a place where he is willing to do this.

Loved him! One season was NOT enough!

The Wasp & Ant-Man 1

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