Truth? I can’t handle the truth!
Truth? I can’t handle the truth!
I have this one too. Muscle memory mostly, but if something is stuck I get confused and try both directions just in case. Where’s the right-hand rule when you need it?
I still have the lurking feeling that if I say exactly the right thing, in exactly the right way, that I might be able to affect someone positively through social media. How have I not learned this lesson? There wasn’t an internet when I grew up so I blame my parents.
Employees are just as high as the people who eat those tacos.
Small hands!
Trump hates to be upstaged. If anyone is going to start a chant it will be his paid operatives and nobody else.
Yes, I think that’s me. I can always go buy another appliance. How much does a manual Honda Fit go for these days?
Yes, I think that’s me. I can always go buy another appliance. How much does a manual Honda Fit go for these days?
Trump doesn't operate by the usual rules. He debated the Republicans and lost, then won. He debated Hillary and lost, then won. Debating Trump assumes that people care if he lies, which obviously they don't.
I thought the New York centrism was hard to follow ... Virginia is impossible!
I came* for this. If anyone is hot it’s Tulsi.
LOL. Sanders supporters are still unclear on the whole “winning primaries” thing.
Life is too short for me to spend time practicing how to wash my car right.
Life is too short for me to spend time practicing how to wash my car right.
Thank you, that’s priceless.
Unfortunately, lynching was popular long before Trump was born, so we can’t blame him for everything.
Income gets taxed, not wealth. Otherwise there would be nothing left after a few years.
Steven Tyler, the human Baseball Glove?
The flip side of this is, if your car windows suddenly fog up in winter, just turn on the A/C for a few minutes.
Sorry, Libby already set the parameters for this discussion:
There are two kinds of people — those who were subjected to White Castle, Krystal or their ilk as children and have accepted the existence of “sliders” in the same way kids today accept a frozen, circular PB&J sandwich. Then there are others who wonder WTF people are doing eating a bun with a small portion of steamed…
And HEB.