the guy with the cat

She agreed to step down from House leadership in 2020 as part of her deal to win votes for Speaker. I think that’s what they’re referring to. Aw, fuck the greys!

Yes, that’s exactly why we go to movies. Because we’ve forgotten how to think! <loads bong, cues up Re-Animator for the 432nd time>

In 1967. This is the 21st Century, man!

Pretty nice!

What? You are not an Old. You’re still in middle age, which is far worse. You can still think of yourself as young inside.

Oh ok. They’re leaving their kids with someone so they can go get drunk. My mistake.

I remember thinking that the Thunder were going to win every championship forever ... in a couple of years. Those years never came.

The article completely misses the point. It might as well say, “Don’t drink and drive because you might lose your license!”

Not me, but a valid reply!

There’s a distinct lack of understanding to these discussions. Cookies indicate that someone spent time and care to make them, and has some emotional connection to you that they value. Otherwise they could simply buy you a box of Oreos. By receiving them with gratitude you acknowledge the connection.

Those are on my list, right before kransekake.

Honest question: do you like cookies? ‘Cause it doesn’t sound like you do. In the slightest.

This bugs me too. Which is too bad for them because I tend to over-tip. Oh, and 7 years here too :)

I’d go for a “McClane’s Mind Blowers” live series if Christopher Lloyd would play Rick. 

It’s a great story but reeks of fake news (sorry). So Trump knew that Bruce Wayne’s parents were murdered, and that Wayne is Batman? With a utility belt? That’s a lot of detail. But he thinks all this is real? No way.


JFC. There’s both a pawn shop and a Rent-A-Center in the background. It could hardly look any worse!

To be fair, there’s a lot of subculture. Keeping up with it over 50 or 60 years takes up a lot of space that is essentially ... junk.

I love all the recipes, but these do remind me of several other kinds of cookies, most specifically Mexican wedding cookies. Those might also have come from central/eastern Europe, but they seem a lot like this. I would also add pecan sandies but they might be a variation on the wedding cookies.

You win.