the guy with the cat

I learned fast that as an American I shouldn’t express an opinion of Marcos (or Duterte). Given the colonial history I think that’s a respectful option.

That’s good, because they really aren’t asking if you found everything. They’re just being polite.

Geez, Is Dr. Bronner selling cars now too?

When I was in middle school we lived in the Philippines for a couple of years, starting right before Marcos declared martial law. Even as a child I could see how messed up things were. When Bush showed up as CIA director and praised Marcos in the press as an exemplar of freedom, that was the beginning of my

Several of these things are not like the others ... the Sandlot?

Just checking my status here. And figuring out if hate-reading Splinter is worthwhile ..

Awesome! As a member of the InSight team it’s wonderful hearing that people are still interested. Less than 3 hours to landing!!

Our bodies weren’t designed to live into their fifties, but here we are ...

I’m not sure I could handle this level of heat. Half a teaspoon of pepper for five pounds of potatoes.

Yes to the dishwasher cleaner. Glisten.

So then, generally racist but he gets off on a technicality.

Don’t Google it for the love of God

Starred until I got to the injection fried turkey.

I thought they played basketball on the East Coast, too. I could be wrong.

Fuck this, it’s a year-old article. Goddamn Kinja.


Isn’t this entire series designed to make us feel superior to other people?

Ah, but the server collects the tax for you, and hence deserves a tip!

I save time and just tip $25 for everything, all the time. I’m sure I’m a better person for it.

Nobody is doing it the way you describe. There have been exceptions (Manchin) to ensure survival but the Democrats as a unit aren’t going to approve funding for the wall. You seem to think they’re going to act just like Republicans and bend repeatedly just to be nice. Won’t happen.